Submission Impossible - Lexi Blake Page 0,95

we need a first aid kit.”

Noelle managed to make it to the front of the pack. She was horrified at the sight. Hutch was basically taking Jeff apart. “Hutch!”

He stopped and looked up at her, shock in his eyes as if she was the last thing he’d thought he would see standing there. His hands dropped to his sides and his face fell. “Noelle. Noelle, I’m sorry.”

“You think you’re sorry right now, you fucking psycho.” Jeff backed away, pushing himself off the floor. “Wait until I’m done with you.”

Hutch started to take a step toward her.

Noelle shook her head. How could he have humiliated her like this? How could he even expect her to look at him after this?

Erin came running in, her now bare feet pounding on the dungeon floor. “What the hell?” She looked from Jeffrey to Hutch and then back to Jeffrey, who’d gotten to his feet. “What did you do?”

“It was Hutch.” She couldn’t let Jeff take the fall for this. That was probably exactly what Hutch had planned on. Had he been trying to get Jeff thrown out? What happened to a sub without a partner? She would probably be told she needed to wait until the next class.

How could she have been so wrong about him? God, her heart actually ached because she’d thought he might be the kind of man she could honestly count on. She’d thought he was like her dad. But Hutch was selfish.

“Jeffrey said…” Mistress Lea began.

“Nothing.” Hutch looked back at the Mistress. “He said absolutely fucking nothing. I didn’t like the way he looked at me and don’t take shit from baby Doms. You should all understand that.”

“You attacked me for no reason.” Jeff touched his busted lip. “Is this how I’m going to be treated here? I want your fucking name, asshole. Because you better believe I’m going to take everything you have.”

“How could you?” Noelle ignored Jeff because Hutch was the only one who mattered. How could she stay now? How could she go into a training relationship with a man he’d beaten the crap out of? Jeff would find out about her relationship with Hutch. How could he go on and train with her? How could she even stay? Hutch had caused this drama and that’s all anyone would remember about her.

Hutch’s whole body seemed to sag. “I’m sorry. I…damn it, Noelle. I don’t know why I did that.”

“You did it because he said he wouldn’t coddle a disabled chick and said he wouldn’t touch her.” Kyle’s words sent a shock through her. “You did it because you care about her and you won’t let anyone talk about her that way. Ever.”

Hutch’s body was tense again, and he looked like he was ready to take on Kyle, too. “I didn’t want her to hear that.”

“She should.” Kyle’s eyes found hers. “She should hear it because she should know why you lost your shit. She should know the reason why her training Dom is leaving right fucking now.”

“I’m not leaving.” Jeff turned her way. “Look, it’s cool that this club wants to let someone like you in, but you’re going to make it hard on the rest of us. I came here to have fun, not to babysit.”

She wasn’t going to cry. Except she’d already started. She couldn’t help the tears that filled her eyes. “I wouldn’t work with you if you were the last person on earth. Hutch…I need to be not here but I can’t…”

She didn’t even get the request out of her mouth before he was there, picking her up and letting her crutches fall to the side. He hauled her up and cradled her against his chest.

She’d accused him, denied him, and he didn’t hesitate to be there when she needed him.

“I’m taking her downstairs, but she’ll be back for the beginning of the class. He better not be here, Lea.” Hutch started for the stairs.

“The class begins now,” Lea called out.

“No, it doesn’t. It begins when she’s in her seat and you’ve taken out the trash,” Hutch replied without looking back.

But Noelle could see the whole group over his shoulder. She saw the way Mistress Lea smiled as though she utterly approved of the way things had gone.

“Have her back in twenty minutes, Hutch,” Lea ordered.

She wouldn’t go back. She watched as Laurel walked in, picking up Noelle’s crutches and talking to Erin. She would get the whole sad story and then her stepmom would call and tell her all sorts of Copyright 2016 - 2024