Submission Impossible - Lexi Blake Page 0,75

to behave or else. She wore a designer sheath that showed off how toned she was and heels that brought her to the same height as most of the taller men around her.

She ignored all the techs gawking at her and seemed to be looking for someone.


And Jessica wasn’t alone. Kyle walked behind her, his shoulders straight and eyes taking in everything. He had a Bluetooth device in his ear.

Well, that hadn’t taken long. Jessica was normally accompanied by a bodyguard or two. Noelle noted that her normal bodyguard was standing right outside the lab. She wondered if he minded being replaced by the brand-new guy.

Kyle nodded her way as Jessica reached the door. He moved in front of his new boss, opening it for her, and she breezed in.

“Hello, Noelle.” Jessica glanced around the lab as though taking stock. “I was hoping you had time for a brief chat. Peter, you are not needed here.”

Yep, that was her boss. Always a charmer.

“Of course.” Pete slid his bag over his shoulder and gave Noelle a look that told her he wished her good luck. “See you tomorrow.”

The door closed with Kyle on the other side.

So they were alone. It was disconcerting, and she realized how much she’d longed to avoid this. She’d never wanted to be a rock star like Madison, who’d partied with the big boss and got a bunch of shout-outs on socials from her. Nope. Noelle had been more than happy to keep her head down and play with her helium.

“Ms. Layne,” she replied.

“Please, call me Jessica. We’re all friends here at Genedyne.” She moved in and looked down at the laptop and then back up at Noelle. “Are those numbers right?”

She didn’t need to get ahead of herself. “It’s the first data we’ve got with the new procedures. I need to replicate it about a hundred times before I can write it up.”

Jessica was back to staring at the data. “I’m going to need you to forward your protocols to me. You can start writing it up now. I know you won’t publish it until we’ve got all the backing data, but I want to get ahead of this. There are a couple of people working on something similar, and I want the patent first.”

Of course she did because whoever got that patent controlled the tech and reaped the benefits. Jessica would make sure that was Genedyne. Noelle would get the credit and a nice bonus, but more importantly she would get the reputation she needed to move into a slower-paced university setting. She didn’t like how cutthroat the corporate world could be. “Sure. I’ve got enough notes that I can write up something pretty comprehensive this week.”

“I want it by Monday.” Jessica stood back up. “This is impressive, Noelle. I know it’s not as showy as some work being done here, but this is a moneymaker, and I like a moneymaker. You make this work and there’s real potential for you to move up and fast.”

She’d moved up as high as she wanted to at Genedyne. People who found themselves in executive offices soon learned all that luxury came at a price. Still, she wasn’t about to tell her boss she was using this highly sought-after job to find one many people would consider lesser. “That would be great, but I want to make sure everything is solid first.”

Jessica leaned against Noelle’s desk. “Of course. We can’t cut corners, but we do need to ensure that we’re first in line.” She gestured back to the door. “I think your boyfriend’s brother should be out of your hair soon. He said he was staying at your place.”

“Yes. He and Hutch came back from Louisiana with me. Hutch already has a job, but Kyle was looking. I take it you hired him.”

“Oh, on the spot. He’s exactly what I’m looking for in a bodyguard,” Jessica replied. “I’ve got an interview with Rolling Stone next week. They’re writing an article about the new goddesses of the tech world. Kyle will look good in the background. He won’t actually start getting paid for two weeks, but after that I’ll show him around, help him look for a place.”

She bet Jessica would. “Good. I’m sure he’ll appreciate that.”

“So, I heard something went wrong last night in the locker room.” Jessica’s gaze focused on her, eyes going steely. “Any idea who wanted to hurt you?”

The question came as a surprise since she hadn’t told the security team she thought the attack Copyright 2016 - 2024