Submission Impossible - Lexi Blake Page 0,45

we trust at DPD tomorrow. We have some questions they may or may not be willing to answer.”

Hutch turned, catching Kyle’s gaze. “Yeah, I’m worried about that, too.”

They seemed to know something she didn’t. “Worried about what?”

Hutch’s arms went over his chest. “I’m worried that we either found a guy who’s on Layne’s payroll or we walked into the middle of an active investigation and you’re part of it.”

She felt her eyes go wide. “I’m not part of any investigation.”

“You wouldn’t know you’re a part of this investigation because you’re a potential target.” Kyle made the pronouncement like he was talking about how nice it was outside.

Was he talking about a criminal investigation? “Why would I be a target? Why would Dallas police care about me? And for that matter, why would they care about Genedyne?”

“Because it’s a big tech company that has rumors around it. You’ve heard some of them, right?” Hutch asked.

“We do not have labs where anyone experiments on people. Not in a non-FDA approved way.” She’d heard the urban legends. “We’re basically a big old think tank where a crazy, rich lady funds our wildest dreams.”

“One person’s dream can be another’s nightmare.” Hutch started moving again. “There’s also rumors that her finances aren’t as good as she says they are. Genedyne is her most famous business, but she’s had others.”

She probably didn’t know as much as she should about her boss. “I still don’t see what that has to do with me. I study helium.”

“You run a lab at Genedyne. You knew the woman who recently died under what some people would call mysterious circumstances,” Kyle mused. “If I was running an investigation into Genedyne, I would put you under surveillance.”

“Someone’s been watching me?” She could feel panic start to surge.

Hutch stopped in front of her, his expression softening. “Hey, it’s okay. From what I can tell, there were no bugs in this apartment, no hidden cameras. We went over every inch of this place and you’re good. If they are surveilling you, I think they’re doing it to figure out where you fit into the picture. The truth is we don’t know what’s going on, but I’m going to figure it out. You’re going to be okay.”

She wanted to reach out and touch that strong jawline, run her hands over the scruff that hadn’t been there earlier in the day. That face of his was a work of art. And she was honest enough to know that she wasn’t even close to being in his league. That knowledge didn’t make her stop remembering how good it had felt when he’d hugged her. The whole time with the EMTs and Pete and security asking her questions, Hutch had played the boyfriend role to perfection. He’d held her close and made sure she was comfortable. He’d been the one to find her cane.

She would have to use her braces tomorrow. She could feel it. There were days she needed more support than others, and typically they came after a fall. She could already feel the ache in her hips from hitting the floor of the locker room.

She forced herself to give him a smile she hoped portrayed a confidence she didn’t feel. “Thanks.”

“We have to deal with the fact that someone needs to be in that building with Noelle,” Kyle said, breaking the odd connection she’d felt. “After today, you can’t deny that.”

Hutch stood again, his hand raking over his golden brown hair in obvious frustration. “Agreed. But I’ll do it. I didn’t like how she looked at you.”

“Ah, but it was the way she looked at me that means I’m the one who can get in,” Kyle replied softly. “If you try to hire on right now, it could take weeks.”

He was right about that. “I don’t think we’re hiring in tech support. I did hear something about security needing a couple of guys.”

Kyle stared at Hutch. “Hiring you on will take too long, and she basically offered me a job on the spot. I know I’m not the tech guy, but you can teach me what you need me to do and I’ll be there if Noelle needs someone. She already thinks I’m your brother. It won’t be odd for me to walk my brother’s girlfriend in and out of the building.”

Hutch’s phone pinged and he sighed. “I’ve got to go down and get the pizza. I’ll be right back.” He frowned Noelle’s way, a deeply forbidding look. “Don’t go anywhere.”

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