Submission Impossible - Lexi Blake Page 0,4


Lisa snorted, likely because she knew Noelle would be showing her boobs at Sanctum soon.

They were nice boobs. They weren’t the largest, but they were perky. She would have to show her legs, too, and all her scars, but she’d decided to be okay with them. Anyone who didn’t like them didn’t have to look. She hadn’t wanted those scars, but they were hers, and whoever she ended up with would have to tolerate them.

Her father sighed. “Just be careful. Like I said a lot of those men end up in bed with their clients. I’ve heard this Hutch fellow gets around.”

“Well, maybe he did before and he’ll walk in and take one look at how beautiful and smart and funny my daughter is and she’ll be the one he marries.” Her stepmom had stood, staring her dad’s way. “Don’t you forget you and I worked together, too. She is a lovely twenty-five-year-old woman, and any man would be lucky to catch her.”

“What did I… I thought I was saying the guy’s going to try to sleep with her.” Her father scratched his head as though trying to figure out what he’d done wrong. “I didn’t say she wasn’t beautiful. She is. That’s what I’m worried about. And it wasn’t the same with us. I knew I wanted to marry you right away.”

Lila nodded as though he’d made her point. “But Noelle isn’t worthy of that from a man?”

“Of course she is but…” Her dad shook his head. “I’m going to get a beer.”

Remy stood up, narrowly missing the Frisbee. “I’ll go with you. It’s going to be fine. Hutch is a good guy. He’s even had a couple of girlfriends over the years. Well, one. Maybe two. Mostly he’s a crazy hookup guy. Definitely not Noelle’s type. I think you’re safe.”

Lila leaned over the table. “You’re welcome. I’ve found the way to stop your dad’s overly protective lectures is to challenge him in a stern voice. He usually backs down. Now he’ll stop the ‘no one should touch my precious baby girl’ talk.” She stood up. “Which is a good thing because we all know that’s not true. You be careful at that club.” She pointed her sister’s way. “Laurel is still there, you know. So is our brother. He’s on the board that approves new applicants. Did you honestly think he wouldn’t call me?”

Lisa sat up. “Well, given that it’s supposed to be a secret process, yes.”

Lila’s eyes rolled. “Like anything is really secret at Sanctum. They like to say they’re all covert and mysterious, but when it comes to family…well, Will views Noelle like a niece and he wants to avoid her at all costs. Be nice to your uncle and don’t do anything pervy around him. His club night is Friday. Maybe you could go on Saturdays.”

She knew? Noelle felt her cheeks flame, but she straightened her shoulders anyway. This was her life. “I’m an adult…”

Lila put a hand on her head, smoothing her hair back. “Nope. No need to fight that fight with me. I meant what I said. You are smart and funny and beautiful, and you deserve everything you’re brave enough to go after. I don’t understand the whole submissive thing. I’m not wired that way, but if you are then there is no place I would trust more than Sanctum. After all, it’s where my sisters and my brother found their loves. But do not tell your father. Not now. Maybe in ten years or so.”

Maybe never. “Sorry I didn’t talk to you about it.”

Lila shook her head. “You talked to the best person you possibly could have, and when you get there, don’t hesitate to talk to Laurel, too. I love you. I know we don’t share blood and that you still miss your mom, but you’re my daughter, too. I want the world for you. You are strong and smart. If this Hutch guy is hot and seems like he’d be good for you, go for it. Even if it’s only for a little while. Sex is good for you if you make smart choices about it. Never tell your father I said that.”

She got to her feet and hugged her stepmom. Her mother had died so many years ago, but this woman had eased the blow. Lila had been everything she could have wanted in a mom, and she was grateful to be part of her family. “Thank you.”

“Be safe out there.” Her stepmom hugged her tight and then Copyright 2016 - 2024