Submission Impossible - Lexi Blake Page 0,136

system, and neither would Kyle. He works security. He’s got access to the whole building. Why would we use my keycard if we were…what? Trying to screw with the computers? Why would we do that?”

“Because there are companies out there who would pay a lot of money to get the research on that system. You’re not allowed to take home large parts of your research, are you? No one is. So all that research, all that cutting-edge knowledge, is in that room.”

A chill went through her. “I wouldn’t do that.”

The detective pointed to his file. “But I have evidence that says you did. And it’s not only companies that would be interested, is it? Other countries would love to get their hands on some of that data. According to your boss, there’s a vast array of cutting-edge research, the kind of tech that could give a country an advantage.”

He wasn’t merely accusing her of stealing. He might be accusing her of spying, of treason.

How had Hutch done this to her? He hadn’t told her he was going to take a look around the server. He’d taken her card and put her in a horrible position and then left her to take the punishment.

Her career was over. She would lose everything and she wasn’t sure why. Why had he done it?

Why couldn’t she point the finger his way? She should do it because everything was on the line for her and he’d left her out in the cold. She had no idea what he was doing.

Had someone taken him? Was she looking at this the wrong way? Maybe he was completely innocent and someone had taken him. Maybe she was sitting here feeling sorry for herself and he was being hurt.

Helpless. She felt so helpless.

“I can’t do anything for you unless you talk to me.” The detective’s voice had softened. The good cop was in the building. “Noelle, I’m sure he talked you into this. He’s a good-looking guy. Did he convince you he cared about you?”

Yes. Hutch had. Despite her better judgement, she’d fallen for his every line. He’d figured out exactly how to play her. He’d walked the fine line between making her feel cared for and appreciating her independence.

He was good, but then hadn’t he told her flat out how good he was at undercover? Seducing her had likely been way easier than dealing with the evil doctor.

“Noelle? Are you all right?” The detective was frowning her way, making her wonder how long she’d been zoned out. “You have to know that Kyle Hutchins is in a room next door and he’s talking. He’s telling us everything.”

“He’s making a deal?” A numbness had settled over her, and she welcomed it. She wasn’t going to cry now because she couldn’t feel the pain.

The detective nodded. “That’s exactly what he’s doing.”

“But I could make a deal first.” She knew how this went. Even if she hadn’t been a sheriff’s daughter, she’d watched enough Law and Order to play this scene out in her sleep.

“All you have to do is tell me the truth.”

“Because that’s what Kyle is doing.” She didn’t even know what the truth was. How hard had she been played? Had they set her up to take the fall? She couldn’t help but remember how Kyle had told her Hutch would never be anything but honest with her.

“He’s watching out for himself even as we speak,” the detective affirmed. “You’re a young woman with a future ahead of her. Don’t you want to protect that?”

She had no future at all after this. Her project would be given to someone else, and they would erase her name entirely. If she was lucky she might be a footnote in a journal somewhere, but no one would hire her.

Jessica Layne would ruin her. Even if she managed to get out of jail time, she would spend everything she’d saved on fighting her former boss in a court of law.

Her dad was going to be so upset. He’d sacrificed to help her get here. He and Lila had worked hard to put her through college and grad school, and it had all been a waste.

“I would like to make a phone call.” She didn’t know who she would call. She should call her dad, but god, how was she going to tell him it had all gone wrong? Maybe she could call Cara. Cara was a reporter. She might know people who could help.

The detective huffed. “I can’t help you if you Copyright 2016 - 2024