Submission Impossible - Lexi Blake Page 0,123

in case we need to explain things to the investors. I’ve never done this, but I know Madison went with Jessica when they got that ridiculous amount of cash for her project.”

She remembered that Madison had dressed up for the occasion. She’d been in the locker room that afternoon, changing into her designer sheath. Noelle had watched as she’d reached up into her locker, feeling for something she’d hidden at the top. When she’d brought down a small magnetic box, she’d shown off the big diamond earrings hidden inside.

“There’s this spot at the very top of all the lockers I can hide this. These earrings are worth more than your whole lab. I’m certainly not going to keep them in my purse,” Madison had said as she’d fastened them on. “Do I look like a million bucks? Because I need these suckers to give me about ten. Million, that is.”

Would Jessica want her to dress as flashy as Madison had? Madison wore sky-high heels and slinky dresses even when she was working in the lab. Noelle got the feeling her dressiest sneakers wouldn’t make the cut for an important investor meeting. Did she have any shoes that would work? Or a dress? Maybe she wouldn’t spend all her time working this weekend. She might need to go shopping.

“Yeah, I’m sure you’re right.” Pete started for the door. “Give me a call if you need anything. Definitely give me a call if you need to run the experiment again. That damn machine is being held together with tape at this point. I’ll be happy when we can get a new one.”

So would she. An influx of cash would help her enormously. A whole lot of the cash for her lab had gone to Madison last quarter. Now she was the one with the successful experiment, and she was ready to reap the rewards by buying a bunch of new equipment. It would be like Christmas. “I think this data is the last I need, but thanks. Have a good workout.”

He strode out as Kyle was walking in. Kyle looked a bit pale and kept glancing back at the door.

“Are you okay?” She didn’t see Hutch with him.

Kyle seemed to shake something off. “Yeah, I’m good. Just saw someone who reminded me of an ex. Like the worst ex ever. How are you doing?” Kyle stepped into the lab. He’d put his suitcoat on, a sure sign he was about to follow Jessica to someplace fancy. “Hutch texted me he’s running late, but he should be downstairs in a couple of minutes. I thought I’d walk you down.”

She frowned his way. “Is there any way I could convince him to let me stay a couple of hours?”

Kyle crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t think so. Not after what happened yesterday. He doesn’t want you in here alone, and I have to go out tonight.”

That brought up a good point. Kyle should know what Jessica was doing this evening. “I thought this was a date, but Pete mentioned a meeting with investors.”

“She mentioned a date to me a couple of days ago, but from what I can tell this is a business dinner,” Kyle explained. “She changed the restaurant from a French bistro to a steak house, and I overheard her assistant confirming a table for four. Why do you ask?”

“Pete thought she was pitching my research to investors.” It didn’t make any sense unless she was buttering them up for the real meeting next week. “But she doesn’t have my supporting evidence, so it can’t be that. I know you’re not supposed to listen in.”

“I’m literally being paid to spy on the woman,” Kyle pointed out. “If you want me to figure out what she’s pitching tonight, I will let you know. You ready to head down? I’ve got to meet Jessica at the limo in a couple of minutes.”

She sighed because he didn’t look like a man who was going to be persuaded. “I’ll get my keycard.”

She glanced down and it wasn’t sitting on her desk. Where had she put it?

“Hey, baby. I brought us some dinner because I thought about it and you are going to feel better if you finish this thing.”

All thoughts of anything else fled as she looked up and Hutch walked into the room, carrying a bag emblazoned with the Top logo. Her stomach growled, reminding her she’d only eaten about half the sandwich she’d bought at the deli downstairs. A few days before Copyright 2016 - 2024