Submission Impossible - Lexi Blake Page 0,109

the good stuff, and he wanted to play. She needed to learn that he was the boss when it came to this.

“Bondage?” She started to try to turn again.

He caught her ankles and laid a quick three slaps to her ass, the skin getting a sweet shade of pink. “Yes, bondage, and you’re going to learn all about long spankings if you don’t stay still.”

She laid her head down, and he could see the way she bit her bottom lip and how her hands fisted in the comforter. Patience wasn’t her strong suit. But he would teach her that the waiting led to something incredible.

“Now I’m going to stand you up and we’ll get this part out of the way. Tell me something, Noelle. Have you ever been tied up before?” He flipped her over and helped her stand. “Ankles together.”

“You’re tying my legs?”

He dropped a kiss on her nose and smoothed her hair back. “Yes, unless it’s going to bother you.”

She shook her head. “No. I’d like to try.”

“Good. I’m going to use a basic pattern This is called Hishi,” he explained and then dropped to his knees which put him in an excellent position to wrap the length around her hips. And be close to that part of her he would spend so much time on tonight. After she’d learned some patience. “The rope is jute, and you should get used to the feel. I’m going to use a diamond pattern.”

He wrapped the length around her twice before tying it over and around and letting the remaining length brush her pussy.

A sigh came from her and he worked the rope in a tie right above her ankles. While he worked, he touched her. He stroked her calves and thighs and her ass as he formed the diamond pattern that would hold her tight for him.

Noelle stayed still, her eyes on him as he finished the last tie. “So you have me helpless. What now?”

“Have you figured out why I like this?”

She shook her head. “No. I’m not sure I like it. I do feel vulnerable.”

“I want you to bend over and put your hands on the edge of the bed. I won’t let you fall, and if you experience any discomfort in your back, I’ll have you out in seconds.” He had a knife handy for that exact situation. “But I want you to try it because I think this can eventually make you feel secure and might help you focus on the part of your body I want you to concentrate on.”

“You’ve tied up my entire lower half, so I’m sure I’ll be thinking about it,” she complained.

“It’s good we’re getting this all out in private because if you’re this salty on the dungeon floor, I’ll have to do more than spank you.” She’d been right to push him because he was settled now. He could handle this. He could take care of her and he could figure out what was going on with Kyle. He could definitely take care of her tonight. “Hands on the bed.”

She leaned over awkwardly. He stood back, ready to catch her if she needed it, but wanting her to explore this, too.

“This is weird, Hutch. I feel both contained and exposed at the same time.”

That was because with her legs all tied up, this position not only put her backside on fabulous display, it also exposed her pussy. He let his fingers brush over her labia. “Yes, this is ripe and ready for play. Do you have any idea how tight you would be if I fucked you like this? I would have to force my way in, and you would feel every inch.”

He let his fingers play, rubbing and caressing and giving her a hint of what was to come. She was already wet, her arousal coating his fingers.

“Tell me what you’ve played around with before. We had to go over hard and soft limits quickly this evening. I want to know what toys you feel comfortable with.”

“Well, I’m starting to like rope but never tried it before. All of my relationships have been vanilla, like stale vanilla,” she admitted. “The best sex I’d had up until a couple of nights ago was with a vibrator.”

“So you masturbate?”

“Yep.” Every word came out shaky as she responded to the finger slowly fucking inside her. “The sad thing is my stepmom helped me buy my first vibrator because I was worried it wouldn’t work. My clitoris that is. It was after my Copyright 2016 - 2024