Submission Impossible - Lexi Blake Page 0,105

us, he’s not worried. We go to work. We come back here. We keep the peace and get our jobs done. Noelle is right. If whoever is watching wanted her dead, the locker room was the perfect place to do it. We need more data. You know this, Hutch. The only way to get it is to be in that building, to let me poke around.”

The thought of Kyle getting caught made Noelle’s breath hitch, but she knew he would be careful. She forced herself to her feet. “If you get caught, I lose everything.”

“I’m not going to get caught,” Kyle promised. “Half of what I’m doing is listening carefully. I’m supposed to accompany Jessica to a party tomorrow night. I’ve figured out there are going to be investors there. We need those names, Hutch. And Noelle needs to work this weekend because Jessica is talking her up. You understand that if she gets fired, it’s not as simple as her losing her job.”

“I lose my research.” The thought brought tears to her eyes. “She might even bring legal action against me. I know I make good money, but I can’t fight her in court.”

Hutch seemed to think about that for a moment and finally he nodded. “All right. We should get to bed. Noelle, you can use my room for the night.”

“You’re not staying with me?” She blinked in an attempt to keep those damn tears from falling. The evening had been an emotional roller coaster, and the thought that she wouldn’t end it with him felt like the worst rejection of all.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Hutch wouldn’t look at her.

“I’m finding a corner to curl into so I don’t have to watch the rest of this melodrama,” Kyle said on a groan before pointing Hutch’s way. “You are a dumbass, and this is absolutely a clusterfuck of an assignment. Decide, man. This wishy-washy shit’s going to fuck with her brain. Call me if someone needs shooting. Noelle, that includes Hutch.”

Kyle stalked off, and she was left alone with the man she was pretty sure she was falling wildly for.

“Noelle, I am not rejecting you,” he said quietly. “I’m in a position where I feel out of control, and I don’t handle that well. I’m angry, and that means I shouldn’t touch you.”

“You’re angry at me?”

“No, I am angry at the situation. I’m angry at a world that won’t seem to let me find some peace. I’m angry at fucking Jeff and angry at Chris and Cara, and I kind of want to punch Kyle now, too. I’m angry because I should have met you at a coffee shop and we should be going to see movies and having dinner dates instead of hiding out from whoever wants to hurt you.”

He was angry, but the root of anger was almost always fear. He was afraid of what could happen. “I’ll be as careful as I can be. I promise I want to come out of this alive, but my job is important to me. I’ve been working for this for all of my life, Hutch. I thought this dream was dead after the accident, and I spent a year having to figure out that I was the only thing holding me back. I worked hard to get here. I can’t give it up.”

“I know, and I’m going to spend tonight trying to figure this thing out so you never have to.”

“I would rather you spent it with me.”

His fists clenched at his sides. “Like I said, I need to calm down. Why don’t you go to bed and I’ll have a drink and chill and I’ll join you later.”

She reached for her right crutch and stood. He wouldn’t join her until he was sure she was asleep, and they would have lost something precious. She wasn’t ending this evening sleeping without him. The question was how to make him see reason. “Hutch, please.”

“Noelle, I’ve given on the important thing.”

Yes, and he was punishing himself over it. Still, she had to consider the fact that her pushing back had made him change his mind about her. “Do you not want to sleep with me because I’m not doing what you want me to do?”

His eyes finally came up. “I’m not sleeping with you because I want to eat you up, Noelle. I want to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk tomorrow without feeling my dick inside you. I want to dominate you, need Copyright 2016 - 2024