Stud Muffin (Donner Bakery #2) - Jiffy Kate Page 0,49

is me using the tips I’ve learned in my anger management classes—identify pitfalls, seek out solutions, think before you speak. Rather than looking for an opportunity to confront Mindy, I’m taking the high road and leaving before things get nasty. We don’t need to be throwing down at the grocery store, that’s for damn sure.

Because I’m apparently a glutton for punishment and a freaking idiot, I give her one last look over my shoulder before I push my buggy in the opposite direction.

That’s when I see it.

She hasn’t just put on a few pounds, she’s gained a considerable amount of weight. Her new tummy, though, isn’t flabby, it’s very round and pronounced and it makes my own stomach churn with acid.

Fuck my life, Mindy is pregnant.

Very, very pregnant, by the looks of things.

An odd sound pulls me out of my thoughts and it takes me a moment to realize it’s coming from me. I’m making the sound. It’s part whine and part growl and it’s obviously caught Mindy’s attention because she’s walking right toward me.


What do I do? I don’t want to talk to her, but I’ll be damned if I run away from her. Why couldn’t Lana or Cage, or even Cole, be with me? Don’t they know I can’t be trusted in public alone?

Just don’t get arrested, Tempest.

For the love of eggplant and sausage, keep your cool.

As Mindy gets closer, she begins rubbing her hand over her belly, ensuring I know she’s with spawn, I mean, child. How far along is she anyway? The picnic wasn’t that long ago and she didn’t look pregnant then, did she? Maybe she did, but I was too shocked by the ring on her finger to notice? Also, my mother would’ve said something to me when she broke the news about Mindy and Asher being married, so she must not have noticed either.

Maybe she just carries big… and early. Maybe she’s pregnant with multiples. That would be rich—I can’t even get pregnant with one, but Mindy Mitchell, husband stealer extraordinaire, can have my husband and all the babies.

All I know is I have to stop gawking because Mindy is enjoying this way too much.

“Hey, Tempest. Soup for one, I presume?” Her smile is large and condescending as she glances at the contents of my shopping cart.


“You know, I’ve been so busy lately that canned soup is all I have time for some nights. It’s not always the healthiest option, with all that sodium, but I’m fortunate to not retain water, like you obviously do.”

Really, Tempest? Is that the best put-down you can think of?

“I’m not bloated, silly.” She laughs, swatting the air in front of her face. “I’m pregnant! Of course, I don’t expect you to notice the difference.”

It’s illegal to hit a pregnant lady, Tempest.

She’s not worth the jail time.

Deep, cleansing breaths.

You don’t look good in orange.

“How far along are you?” I ask, willing myself to stay calm. “Elephants are pregnant, for what, two years?” I know I’m being immature, but I’m using my words and not my fists, so I’m calling it a win.

“Gah, you’re such a bitch. No wonder Asher wanted to leave you. At least I was able to give him what he wanted,” she brags, rubbing her belly even faster than before.

Maybe if she rubs a little more, a fucking genie will pop out, and I can at least get three wishes out of this deal. Wish one: Asher and Mindy disappear off the face of the planet.

“And,” she continues, “because I know it’s driving you crazy, I’ll let you in on the secret. I’m in my third trimester.” She smiles and squeals, like we’re BFFs and she just told me the best news. “Just a couple more months to go and this precious bundle of joy will be in the world… gah, Asher is going to be such a great daddy.”

The blood drains from my face as I do the math in my head. Asher and I have been divorced almost two months. I found them in bed together three months before that. Two plus three does not equal the amount of months it takes to be in the third trimester. I know my pregnancy facts.

Mindy just answered one of my many burning questions: that sack of shit was cheating on me months before I busted him.

And now, he’s having a baby with someone else.

Honestly, I don’t know how to feel right now… numb, blind-sided, furious, hurt?

All I know is I’m trying my damnedest not to Copyright 2016 - 2024