Stud Muffin (Donner Bakery #2) - Jiffy Kate Page 0,40

is that you don’t have to involve another person until you’re comfortable. For the time being, we’ll work on basic punches and kicks. Today we’ll just do some shadowboxing and then next week, or whenever you want to come back for a class, we’ll start on the bags.”

Her eyes go around the room again, taking it all in. “I really like what you’ve done with the place.”

“It’s a start,” I tell her, shrugging.

“You’re going to add to it?”

Walking over to the mats, I nod. “Yeah, I don’t really know what I’m going to do with it, but I needed a place to work out… and it felt like a waste letting a big, open space like this stay empty. Hank was cool with it. The rent is cheap. So, even if I only ever use it for myself… and the occasional class… it’s worth it.”

“I can pay you,” she says. “I don’t feel right taking up your time and not paying.”

I immediately shake my head. “No way,” I tell her. “I’m the one who offered. And besides that… we’re friends.” She smiles at the term we keep throwing back and forth between us, but the more I say it, the more it sinks in and starts to feel real. “I’d never charge my friends… haven’t ever in the past, don’t plan to start now.”

“So you’ve taught before?”

“Oh, yeah. I’ve been taking it since I was a kid, along with other martial arts. When I’d graduate to a black belt, my instructors would usually put me to work and have me earning my keep.”

The slow smile and the way her shoulders relax tell me she’s feeling more comfortable and it puts me at ease as well. “Ready to stretch?”

“Yeah,” she says, shaking her head. “I’ve had quite the last couple of days. I’ve actually been looking forward to this.”

“Well, let’s do it.”

Leading Tempest through stretches isn’t as hard—all fucking puns intended—as I thought it would be, but only because I made her stand beside me and follow my motions in the mirror. From there, I forced myself to keep my eyes to myself. But what I did see from her was promising. She’s limber and has very fluid movements. Those are all good qualities in a kickboxer… amongst other things… which I’ll not be thinking about today, at least not right now.

“Ready to learn some punches?”

She scrunches her nose, making it even cuter, if that’s possible. “Are we sure this is a good idea?” she asks, her words stretching out as she worries her bottom lip. “I mean, with my track record and all, is it a good idea to teach me how to punch?”

“The best idea,” I tell her in all seriousness. “With that temper you’ve been working with, you really need to know how to defend yourself.” I’m being serious, but I laugh to make light of the situation. “But more than that, getting out the frustration and anger you’ve been feeling in a constructive, controlled environment will help you manage it… it’s like defusing a bomb.”

Taking a deep breath, she nods. “Right… that’s basically what Lana was saying.”

“Who’s Lana?”

“My anger management… person,” she says, her cheeks blushing a little. “Part of our talk this week was about ways we can release stress and tension, clear our heads… that kind of thing.”

I nod, hoping she knows there is zero judgment here. “She’s right.”

“Okay, then… show me what to do.”

We stand in front of the mirrors again and I have her do some basic punches—jab, cross, uppercut, hook—which she picks up fast. She might not be an athlete, but she’s a really fast learner and seems to be in good shape. I’ve turned a lot less capable people into great kickboxers. My guess is that Tempest is probably one of those people who’s good at whatever she puts her mind to, but what holds her back is her lack of confidence.

“How about some kicks?” I ask, walking over to take a drink of water. “Did you bring some water?”

“Yeah, it’s in my bag.” She walks over and bends down to open her bag and I let myself have a quick second to admire her. I shouldn’t, but I do. “So, you’re from Dallas,” she says, coming up with a water bottle and forcing me to avert my gaze. “That’s really all I know about you, outside of you being friends with Hank and working at the Pink Pony. What did you do before you came here?”

“I was a fighter, most Copyright 2016 - 2024