Stud Muffin (Donner Bakery #2) - Jiffy Kate Page 0,30

sight because he then asks, “Who’s that?”

“That would be Asher... and Mindy, the most perfect couple in Green Valley.” The fakeness in my tone is oozing all over the lush green grass at my feet. I want to puke when I see him put his hand on her back and walk her toward a group of people. “Also, my ex-husband.”

I’m aware… boy am I fucking aware.

I watch as they talk to a few of our friends… or, I guess they’re technically Asher’s friends, but people I’ve known all my life, nonetheless. Asher is being his usual charismatic self, fully engaging people as he tells his story, and Mindy is being the picture-perfect companion, smiling sweetly and laughing at all the right places.

Recognize the negative thoughts…

I can’t help but stare at them like they’re some kind of exhibit in a museum. It’s so strange seeing someone I’ve loved, and spent the last twelve years of my life being committed to, with someone else.

It hits deep.

I feel the lump in my throat before the familiar wave of heat creeps up.

When she laughs again and her left hand comes up to her cover her mouth, I see it.

A large, sparkling diamond on her fourth finger.

The way she flashes it seems intentional and when her eyes cut over to me, I flinch.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I mutter under my breath, biting down on my lip so hard it hurts and then I taste blood. Before I do something crazy—something the entire town is probably expecting out of me at this point—I turn on my heel and practically run toward where all the vehicles are parked.

When I finally reach it, I see my truck is completely blocked in by other vehicles, meaning I won’t be driving out of here any time soon.

A second later, I hear the thud of heavy feet as Cage catches up to me. “Going somewhere?” he asks.

I ignore him, not ready to talk just yet, and start pacing, my fists clenching and unclenching at my sides. So many hateful thoughts, so many hurtful ideas are floating through my mind, but I’m trying really hard to ignore them. I don’t want to be this person. I don’t want to be the pitiful, angry woman. I just want to... be. But I can’t when everywhere I turn, Asher and Mindy are there to remind me of everything that’s messed up in my life.

A fucking engagement ring?

Are you kidding me?

How could he do that?

“Do what?” I hear Cage ask from behind me and I realize I was speaking my thoughts out loud.

Turning slowly, I swallow, unable to wrap my head around it and needing to talk it out, regardless of who’s listening. “She was wearing a ring… on her fourth finger… a fucking big ass diamond.” I look down at my hand where my wedding band once resided, the tan line from years of wear still visible. I thought about covering it up with a new ring, but I haven’t yet. Mine was never that big. Asher bought it for me when he was still in college. I hadn’t even started yet because I was working to save up money. It was small, but I’d loved it, because it was a symbol of his love for me… or so I thought.

Now, I don’t know what to think.

I’m not even sure I make sense anymore without him and that kills me.

The truth is I never felt pretty or worthy or significant until Asher Williams noticed me.

Before then, I was an awkward teenager trying to make it through high school. I spent lunch hours in the library, hiding away behind cookbooks. Julia Child was my companion.

One day, Asher came into the library to do some research for a history paper. He sat down at the table across from me and started talking to me like we were old friends.

We were.

Once upon a time, I’d been good friends with the majority of the people in my class, but the older we all got, the more we parted ways, each of us finding our own niche. Mine just happened to be in the back corner of the library or in my mama’s kitchen, whipping up my newest concoction of baked goods.

Before Asher, I hadn’t even been to a high school football game.

After we were an item, everything changed.

I was noticed.

I was invited.

I was liked.

But now, with him removed from my life, I’m left wondering who I am without him.

“Do you want to be alone?” Cage Copyright 2016 - 2024