Stuck with You - Alexandra Moody Page 0,99


My heart seemed to stop beating as I watched him go. It felt like it was being wrenched from my chest and pulled along with him. I kept trying to remind myself that this wasn’t truly goodbye and that we would be together soon. My body just didn’t seem to understand though.

I turned to my parents, unable to watch as Aiden opened the truck door. Tears were spilling down my cheeks, and I couldn’t seem to stop them.

“Oh, Clary, what’s wrong?” Mom asked, as she lightly traced her thumb across my face to wipe them away.

“I… He…”

Dad put his arm across Mom’s shoulders and pulled her in close. “Isn’t it obvious?” he said. “She’s in love with the boy.”

“I’m not in love with him. I…” My gut twisted, and I realized my words were wrong. I opened my mouth to try to continue, but I couldn’t bring myself to lie. I couldn’t laugh it off and say there was no way I loved him because we’d only just started dating. I couldn’t tell my dad he was imagining things. A warm glow seemed to ignite in my chest, and I knew my dad was right. I was totally, completely in love with Aiden Moore.

My eyes widened at the realization, and Dad chuckled as he caught the bewildered expression on my face.

“I bet the last thing you want to do is spend weeks trapped in lockdown with your parents when you could be with the boy you love,” Dad continued.

“No, it’s not like that…” I argued.

Mom smiled. “It looks like it is.”

I glanced over my shoulder. Aiden was still parked on the street, looking toward the house. It was like he was waiting to make eye contact with me one last time before he left. His lips lifted in a sad smile before he started up the truck.

Mom rubbed my shoulders as I stared at him. “We love you Clary, more than anything. But we also want you to be happy. If you want to keep staying with Aiden during lockdown, then we understand.”

I shook my head and turned to them. “You guys don’t seriously mean that.”

Dad grinned. “Jade had a feeling you two might struggle. She already floated the idea with us. After seeing you today, I think she’s onto something. If that’s what you want, we support it.”

I struggled to keep the surprise from my face. “You’re really okay with me living with a boy?”

Dad frowned slightly. “I want you to be your happiest self in these hard times. And if that means being with the boy you love and us having to keep our distance for a little while, then I’m okay with it. You’re eighteen now, and it’s time you make your own choices.”

I stared at him, my mouth dropping open. I couldn’t believe my parents were suggesting this. But the moment the words had come from their lips, I knew it was what I wanted. I wanted to be with Aiden. I never wanted to leave his side.

“Jade’s really okay with this?”

“She is,” Dad replied.

“And you’re sure you’re okay with this?”

They nodded in response.

“You know this doesn’t mean I don’t want to be with you guys, right?”

Mom smiled. “Honey, we know.”

I launched myself into their arms once more, clinging tightly to them both. I knew the hug might have to tide me over for a while.

“I promise to be good…” My voice was muffled by Dad’s shirt.

I heard a rumble in his chest as he chuckled. “We know, kiddo. If you want to catch a ride back to Aiden’s, you should probably hurry after him…”

I slowly pulled back from the hug and turned as Aiden’s truck took off from the curb. I swore and started racing across the front lawn and out onto the street.

“Aiden!” I yelled after his truck, waving my arms in the air. “Aiden, stop!”

He was halfway down the street already, but the brake lights turned red as the vehicle screeched to a halt in the middle of the road. The truck door opened, and Aiden jumped out. His face was filled with concern, and he started running back toward me.

He stopped a few strides away, his lips pulled tight with worry. “What’s wrong?”

I ignored the distance between us and continued running, jumping into his arms and throwing my legs around his waist. He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me close. His eyes were still filled with confusion as he stared at me.

“What are you doing?”

“This.” I kissed him with everything that Copyright 2016 - 2024