Stuck with You - Alexandra Moody Page 0,9

did not share. I finally blew the breath out as I answered. “I’m at Aiden Moore’s house.”


“My parents can’t get home, so they’ve sent me to stay here until they get back.”

“What?” Zoey’s eyes had grown so big I could barely see her pink and purple eye shadow anymore. Like I said, the news about my enforced lockdown with the most desirable boy at school was going to detonate the ticking time bomb that was my best friend. Like most girls at school, she was obsessed with Aiden. She’d never been able to understand why I wasn’t a fan of the guy. And I’d never understood why she found him so appealing.

“It’s really no big deal,” I murmured.

Her eyes narrowed, and I sensed a hint of distrust in her gaze. “You’re messing with me, aren’t you?”

“I wish I was.” I would have given just about anything to be back at home with my parents right now, or even just at home alone.

“Prove it,” Zoey said.


“Go find him and show me!”

I grimaced. “Please don’t make me do that. I only just got rid of Aiden, and I don’t want to go searching for him. Besides, I’ve already had an overdose of the guy for the day.”

“There’s no such thing as overdosing on Aiden Moore.” She shook her head. “No, I’m going to need physical proof you’re in his house.”

“Surely, my word as your best friend is enough.”

“Under normal circumstances, it would be. But these are desperate times, and it’s your duty as my best friend to share your lockdown eye candy.” A part of me hoped she was joking, but she sounded all too serious.

I groaned and rubbed a hand down the side of my face. There was no way I was going to give Aiden the satisfaction of finding him and asking him to join our video call, but the pleas of my best friend were almost impossible to ignore.

My gaze darted toward the door as I considered the horror of actually going in search of him. I could already imagine how smug he’d look, and I grimaced at the thought. I really didn’t want to do this, but as my eyes drifted from the door and landed on Aiden’s exercise equipment, another possibility surfaced. Slung across the weight bench was a football jersey. Perhaps I wouldn’t have to find Aiden after all.

I jumped from the bed and ran over to it. As I got closer, I could see the number thirty-two was printed proudly across the back of the jersey along with Aiden’s surname.

I grinned as I grabbed the jersey and dangled it in front of the camera. “And here’s your proof!”

Zoey let out a disappointed sigh. “A shirt is all I get? What about my man candy?”

I rolled my eyes and placed the jersey back where I’d found it. “I thought you just wanted proof.”

“I guess,” she grumbled before suddenly perking up. “Wow, you really are staying with Aiden.”

“Yes, I told you.”

“This has to be the best thing that’s ever happened to either of us.”

I begged to differ. “Have you met Aiden?”

“Uh, have you seen Aiden?” she shot back.

“He’s unbearable.”

“Yeah, unbearably hot. No one should look that good.”

“No one should be that annoying,” I replied.

Zoey wasn’t deterred though, and her eyes took on a fevered brightness. “This is perfect. You’re in lockdown with the hottest guy in school. It’s the end of the world, and you’re both cooped up in that house together. Since neither of you can hook up with anyone else, you have no choice but to get together!”

“Calm down, Zoey,” I warned. “I’m pretty sure he has a girlfriend. I’m also pretty sure I still have a choice in this, and I can already tell you my decision is a firm no. There’s no way we’ll be hooking up.”

“Pfft, his relationship with Shallow Shelly won’t last three days in lockdown.” She grinned brightly. “And don’t be such a spoilsport. You guys have to get together. We should get the rest of the girls on this call. They need to know.”

“And on that note, I’m leaving.” I didn’t like where this conversation was headed. I might have been completely alone and bored, but it seemed a much more appealing way of spending my day than listening to Zoey make such ridiculous predictions. I also really didn’t want to hear the squeals of my other girlfriends if they found out about Aiden. It was bad enough I’d had to listen to Zoey’s.

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