Stuck with You - Alexandra Moody Page 0,86

guess how Dad would have reacted if this was the first he’d heard of my new boyfriend. He’d always been quite protective of me when it came to boys.

“Yes, we already knew,” Mom said.

“So, you guys are cool with it then?” I asked.

“I wouldn’t say we’re cool,” Dad replied. “But Jade seemed to think it was fine, and we trust you and know you wouldn’t do anything irresponsible.”

“Dad, you have nothing to worry about.” My cheeks flushed as I replied. This was so embarrassing. I didn’t want to discuss my relationship with either of my parents. I would have rather dug a hole and buried myself in it.

Mom must have sensed my discomfort because she slowly stretched her arms above her head and yawned. “It’s so good to see you, sweetie, but we’ve had a long journey and are quite tired.”

“Oh, of course.” I was grateful I didn’t have to keep discussing my new boyfriend with my parents but also sad at the thought of leaving so soon. I could also see Mom’s exhaustion wasn’t just an excuse though. She looked exhausted. “You guys go get some rest. Do you need anything from the stores at all?”

Mom smiled. “No, we’re all set. Jade dropped some groceries off this morning for us, and there’s a freezer full of meals. We’re fine.”

“As long as you’re sure.”

“We are,” Mom said. “I’ll call you later today, and we can catch up properly.”

“Okay. You better.”

“We will,” Dad replied.

I took a moment to look at my parents. Having them home felt like stepping into one of my dreams. It didn’t seem real that they were standing only a few feet away. That I could speak to them face to face. That I knew for certain they were safe. Seeing them at home gave me a sense of relief stronger than I’d never experienced before—and one I hoped I never had to experience again.

I shared one last smile with them before I started back to Aiden’s truck. He kept close to me as we walked, and I was grateful he was there. It was hard to leave my parents after only just getting them back. At least I wasn’t doing it alone.

He opened the door for me, but I turned before I got inside the truck and waved to my parents. They were hugging each other on the front porch as they watched me leave and started waving back.

“We love you,” Mom called.

“I love you guys too!” I shouted back, blowing them several kisses.

As Aiden and I drove away, I watched my parents through the back window until they disappeared. I would have happily camped out in the front yard of our house all day to talk with them. It was clear they needed some rest though. I doubted it was just the journey that had exhausted them. I didn’t want to imagine how difficult it must have been for them being stuck overseas with no way home.

I was so lucky to have them back safely. Their wellbeing was something I had always taken for granted, but it was something I’d never do again. This pandemic had made me realize how quickly and easily the things you always depended on could change.

“You’re awfully quiet,” Aiden said.

“Yeah, I know, sorry,” I shook my head. “I just can’t believe they’re back. Is it weird that I miss them already?”

“Not weird,” Aiden replied. “It just means you love them.”

“Yeah, I do.” I blew out a breath and relaxed into the seat, replaying the reunion with my parents over and over in my mind. “It doesn’t feel real.”

“I know, it’s crazy,” Aiden agreed.

“Wait, did you know they were going to be there today?”

Aiden glanced at me from the road. “I swear I had no idea. Mom suggested we go get your textbooks, and I wondered why she was being so weird about it at the time. She must have been in on the surprise.”

“Crap, I didn’t get those textbooks.”

Aiden chuckled. “You can probably borrow some of mine.”

“Thanks.” Schoolwork was the last thing on my mind though. My thoughts were still completely focused on my family. “I can’t believe my parents kept this all a secret from me.”

“Well, it sounds like they didn’t want to disappoint you if it didn’t work out.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Aiden slowed the truck as we arrived back at his house. I felt strange as I hopped out and started toward the front door. The house looked just the same as when we had left it, but something seemed Copyright 2016 - 2024