Stuck-Up Suit - Vi Keeland Page 0,53

test within a week, Genevieve. I’ll make the arrangements so that I can be sure the results are accurate.”

A look of panic suddenly washed over her face. “You’re not going to try to take her away from me, are you?”

“I would never take a child away from its mother.”

Genevieve sniffled. “Thank you.”

“If it turns out she’s mine, I want you to gather every single picture you have ever taken of her since the day she was born. Do you understand me?”

She didn’t hesitate. “Of course.”


THAT NIGHT, ALL I WANTED was to see Soraya. Smell Soraya. Sleep next to Soraya. My body felt like it was withdrawing from the strongest kind of drug. It had only been a few days without her, but it felt like a lifetime. It wasn’t just the physical need. I missed her humor, her sarcasm, her laugh.

It was late. I had just left the hospital from visiting Meme, and I wasn’t sure if Soraya would even still be up. My driver, Louis, had the rest of the night off. Without thinking, I grabbed my jacket and headed down to the garage.

I hadn’t texted or called her first. So, driving to her place was a risk. But I couldn’t chance her telling me not to come.

There was no parking near her apartment, so I had to walk two blocks in the pouring rain. When I finally got to her door, I pressed the buzzer to her apartment.

She sounded groggy. “Hello?”

I closed my eyes because I’d missed her voice. “Baby, it’s me.”

“Graham…it’s late.”

I leaned my forehead against the wall. “I know.”

Without saying anything further, she buzzed me in. Relief washed over me as I walked swiftly up the stairs two at a time.

My hair and jacket were soaked. I must have looked like a drowned rat. When she opened the door, she didn’t immediately let me in. I didn’t know whether she was going to kick me out or tell me to come inside. It was her call to make. I had no right to push after the mess I’d just brought her into. I took her in for a moment. She was completely unmade up in a thin, white night shirt. Her nipples were saluting me. At least they were happy to see me. She looked so gorgeous, even with her hair a matted mess.

The tips were red.

I was losing her.

“Oh, God. Come in. You’re soaked.”

Thank fuck for the rain. I wasn’t above taking sympathy at this point.

She closed the door and disappeared for a moment, then came back with a towel. “Here. Give me that wet jacket.”

I peeled off the top layer. My dress shirt underneath it was still dry. I should have stood outside for a while longer.

“What’s going on? Is everything okay?”

“No. Everything isn’t okay.”

“I take it your meeting with Genevieve didn’t go well today?”

“She admitted she wasn’t sure that Liam was Chloe’s father. She was fucking both of us at the same time and realized after we broke up that she was pregnant. She agreed to get Chloe DNA tested within the next week.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

I looked into her eyes. “Say you won’t leave me.”

She looked away. “Graham…everything is so uncertain right now. I’m so confused.”

“I feel the same way. My mind is spinning out of control, and there is only one thing I’m sure of right now. Do you know what that is, Soraya?”

She was staring at the ground, but lifted her eyes, looking up at me through her dark eyelashes. “What?”

“I want you. I want to be with you. I’m head over fucking ass about you, and I need to know you aren’t going to leave me.”

She cracked a small smile. “I think the saying is head over heels about you.”

“Whatever.” I wrapped my hands around her waist and locked them behind her back. “Tell me you aren’t going to leave me over this.”

“We don’t know what’s going to happen.”

“I know what I want.”

“Graham…things can change.”

“I need you, Soraya. I’ve never said that to another woman in my life.” I leaned my forehead against her and whispered, “I need you.”

She nodded. “Okay.”

Taking her face in my hands, I lifted it, so our eyes met. “No more bullshit avoiding me.”

“I had plans with Tig and Delia.”

I flashed her a look that called bullshit.

“Fine.” She rolled her eyes. “I was avoiding you.”

I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. For the first time since the funeral, the world seemed to stop spinning for a moment.

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