Strung Tight (The Road To Rocktoberfest #1) - Ann Lister Page 0,91

the stall, and they were spouting off saying the only reason we were here was because we’re Dagger’s ‘pet project.’ It made me wonder how much of that was true and that maybe we didn’t deserve this.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Mike said, “and what they said sounds like jealousy to me. I bet they wouldn’t turn down the opportunity of being Dagger’s pet project. No one would!”

“I suppose so, but what if we get out there and I choke?” I asked. “I don’t want to be the one to blow this for us.”

Mike reached into the stall and pulled me out into the main area, then wrapped his arms around me. “You, my friend, were born to perform,” he whispered beside my ear. “You are going to walk out there and own that audience. You’ll have them eating out of your hand before we reach the halfway point of our set.”

“He’s right,” a voice behind us said.

It was a strong, deep timbre I recognized, and I froze in disbelief that it was him, not daring to look for fear I merely imagined his presence. Mike looked over his shoulder and confirmed what I knew.

“Dallas! Good to see you, man,” Mike gushed and pulled away from me. “Your timing is perfect. This guy needs you to help him find his mojo, and I’m going to leave you two alone so you can get to it.”

Mike was out the door before I had a chance to thank him and then it was just Dallas and me staring at each other. My eyes began to burn and I blinked several times to try and get control of myself.

“Are you okay?” Dallas asked me.

“I’m better now that you’re here,” I answered and tried to smile, but failed.

“I’m later than I expected due to all the traffic coming in here, but none of that matters now,” he said. He stepped closer to me and cupped the side of my face, and I could feel myself leaning into his touch. That one simple gesture was enough to ground me, and I already felt lighter. I fisted the front of his shirt and tugged and he came easily to wrap me up in his arms. Feeling his heat and strength surround me was an enormous comfort that I felt all the way to my core.

He leaned back and was about to kiss me, but I stopped him. I saw surprise flare in his eyes and it made me feel bad. “I was throwing up a few minutes ago,” I admitted. “You don’t want to kiss me right now until I clean up.”

“Then I’ll have something to look forward to later, after you fucking blow the roof off this place with your kick-ass music,” Dallas said while his fingers stroked my back and shoulders.

“I overheard a couple of douche bags in here saying the only reason we’re here is because of Dagger,” I confessed.

“Is that what got you so worked up?” Dallas asked in a soothing voice. There was no judgment or condescension in his tone, just pure emotion and caring.

“It’s exactly what I worried others would be thinking about us,” I answered honestly.

Dallas caressed my face then massaged my temples and scalp. Every touch he offered brought me back into myself and made me feel whole again. “Anyone who is thinking that now is going to be fucking shocked-blind by how amazing your talent is, Fletch. No one is going to doubt why you’re here after they listen to you play. I believe in you and I want you to believe in yourself. Go out there and show off your talent to them. You’re so much better than you think you are, and I can’t wait for you to hear the roar that erupts from the crowd. Maybe then you’ll believe what we already know.”

“Fletcher! We gotta move down front,” Mike yelled into the room.

“Be right there,” I replied and then my eyes connected with Dallas’s again. I let go of a big breath. “I guess I have to go do this show.”

“This is so much more than a show, babe,” Dallas encouraged. “This is the beginning of a whole new chapter for you and your band.”

I stepped toward the door and held out my hand for Dallas to hold while we walked. We met the other guys outside the dressing room where I’d left them, and Dagger was there too. Silently, we walked toward the stage with security following and a stage director out Copyright 2016 - 2024