Strung Tight (The Road To Rocktoberfest #1) - Ann Lister Page 0,31

felt like the sky was the limit.

I just about threw my Fender at the tech as I ran off the stage in the direction of Dallas screaming in triumph. My guys all did the same, and we scattered before the curtains fully closed on our set. Dagger was waiting for us and hugged me so hard I was lifted up in the air.

“You fucking rocked the hell out of that show, Fletcher!” Dagger cheered

“And I didn’t pass out!” I said, and laughed.

The roadies for Jupiter Rising swarmed the stage to set up for the headlining act, and we were all politely asked to vacate the area so they could do their jobs. Dagger’s security team stepped out of the shadows and motioned for us to follow them, and from there, I went through the motions of what was expected of me, all the while my eyes were darting about for the one person I wanted to be with the most.


Chapter Eleven

“Has anyone seen Dallas?” I asked those hanging out in the dressing room we’d used before the show.

“He’s loading up our equipment,” Dixon told me.

A shrill whistle got our attention, and I turned around to see Dagger waving his hands above his head. “Listen up!” he shouted over the noise and cheers filtering around in the crowded room. “First, I want to congratulate you for doing such a fantastic set. You rocked the roof off the Apex tonight, and I know for sure everyone in attendance will be talking about your show for a long time to come—including the headlining act! This is just the beginning for you all. From here on out, the shows will be bigger, and your following is going to grow by massive proportions. Be ready for it and take it seriously, but for now, let’s fucking celebrate!” Dagger reached for a beer from a nearby table and lifted the bottle above his head. “To Chaos!”

The screaming cat-calls, whistles, back-slaps, and cheers that followed Dagger’s speech were so loud my head was beginning to pound, but I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face. We’d worked damn hard to get to where we were, but we still had a long way to go to achieve the greatness I knew we had in us. Dagger might have set us on the right path, but it was up to us to keep Chaos on the highway to the top.

A moment later, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and grinned like a fool when I saw it was a new message from Dallas.

Dallas: Your show was incredible! You should hear everyone talking about it out back!

Me: I feel so relieved now that it’s over.

Dallas: I’ll be done in an hour. Feel like hanging out?

Me: Definitely, but can we be alone? Mike and the guys are going out. How about you come home with me and we’ll celebrate there?

Dallas: Sounds perfect. I can’t wait.

I was still smiling when Mike bumped into me. “Are you coming out with us to Alvin’s Club to celebrate?”

I shook my head. “I’m rung out from all the puking I did before the show,” I lied. The truth was, my body was so wound up, I probably had the energy to run a marathon right now. “I think I’ll finish up this beer and head home, get something in my stomach, then go to sleep.”

“What kind of a rock star goes home after his first big gig?” Michael teased.

“The kind who was sick most of the afternoon,” I argued. “My stomach muscles actually hurt from all the spewing I did today. Between that and performing, I’m beat.”

Mike’s grin told me he didn’t fully believe a word of what I’d said, even though it was partly the truth. He leaned in closer to me. “Look, I don’t mind if you have a cute little honey lined up on the side, dude. Take the lucky girl home to our place and pound the adrenaline out of your system, but at least admit that’s what you’re doing,” Michael said. “Don’t make lame-ass excuses about needing sleep.”

Michael’s suggestion that I admit I was going home to get laid had me almost choking on my beer. If he only knew it was Dallas I wanted to take home, he might not be so overly excited for me to use our empty apartment for screwing purposes. Then again, maybe he wouldn’t care. When it came to Mike, I wasn’t always sure what he thought. Either way, Copyright 2016 - 2024