Strung Tight (The Road To Rocktoberfest #1) - Ann Lister Page 0,11

or where he gets it, but it is never less than stellar, and over the years, his dope has only gotten more potent.”

“I don't think I've ever been this high before in my life,” I admitted.

“It's nice, isn't it?” Dallas said. “Feels like your mind is dripping out of your ears.”

“Totally,” I almost sighed the word. “I feel like I'm having an out of body experience.”

“So, Spumoni loved to share his weed with others, and the roadies practically lined up for it,” Dallas continued. “But it wasn't just the weed they wanted.”

“What'd you mean?” I asked.

“After he’d get a roadie totally wasted, he'd go down on him.”

“What? You mean, he'd suck their dicks?”

“Yep—not every roadie though. Some straight dudes just can't allow themselves to cross that line, even for a blowjob.”

“You've got to be kidding me,” I said. “Why the hell would Spumoni do that?”

“He always bragged about how much he loved giving head and how intense the orgasm was while stoned on his weed,” Dallas said. “Far as I know, he still gives them blowjobs.”

“He certainly didn't do that for me,” I scoffed.

“Well, for starters, you're Dagger's protégé, which means hands off in this organization,” Dallas said and chuckled. “You’re probably safe because of Dagger.”

“Are you being serious with me about Spumoni giving blowjobs?” I asked.

“I'm totally telling the truth about Spumoni giving blowjobs,” he said and laughed.

“Did he blow you?” I knew it was none of my business, but I had to ask.

Dallas shook his head. “He never blew me. I’m too young and Skully’s son, but I did watch him do it to a few other guys.” Then he leaned over toward me in my beanbag chair. “Can you even imagine getting a bag of weed from him, taking a few hits from a joint, and then suddenly having his face fall into your lap?”

I felt the heat of his breath wash over my face with his words and opened my eyes. Dallas's lips were hovering so close to my face that his nose almost bumped mine, and I froze. When did he get so damn close, and why wasn't I shoving him away? I saw a flicker of a grin curl his lips right before he brushed them against mine, and my brain stopped functioning.

I closed my eyes and sensed his body shift closer still, and I couldn't find a reason in my muddled mind for him to stop. His feathery brush became a firm press that brought our mouths fully together. The heat of his exhalations made my skin tingle, and when I felt his tongue glide along the seam of my lips, I opened for him.

Clearly I'd lost my mind or fried the last working brain cell with Spumoni's weed because I didn't kiss guys. I was into girls, maybe not as often as Mike was hooking up, and until this kiss, I'd never, ever been into a guy, but I was definitely feeling this right now with Dallas. I could blame it on being high, which I would later on after the buzz wore off, but Jesus, this felt amazing. Had it been that long since I'd gotten laid that a kiss from Dallas would light me up like a goddamn Christmas tree? I could feel my cock begin to stir in my pants, and it felt like a betrayal to me. How could my dick find this arousing? But Christ, it was that and so much more.

Dallas gave me another teasing lick before his tongue slipped past my lips and slid down the side of my tongue to caress the entire length. Languid strokes in and out, and I groaned at the intensity I was feeling. This was the most mind-blowing kiss anyone had ever given me, and it was a dude making me shatter. How was that even possible?

I was still so stoned I had no idea how long the kiss had lasted, but I was pretty sure I was kissing him back as much as he was owning my mouth. When Dallas finally pulled back and sank into his seat, he cleared his throat, and sounding out of breath, he said, “Fucking hell, that was crazy good.”

I leaned forward in my seat and held on to my head. “Jesus, I have no idea why I did that.”

“Why? Are you seeing someone?”

“No, I haven't been with anyone in quite a while.”

Dallas seemed to study me for a few seconds and then said, “Don't tell me that was the first time you Copyright 2016 - 2024