Stroke of Midnight - Lara Adrian Page 0,25

hell didn’t want one of them to be irrevocable.

Tonight, he wanted to give her pleasure.

Selfishly, he wanted to give her the kind of pleasure that would ensure that every other male who’d ever touched her was obliterated from her memory.

Tonight, Seraphina was his—not because some ridiculous agreement said she should be, but because she wanted to be.

Because she felt the same undeniable desire that he did.

“Come for me,” he rasped against her tender flesh. “I want to hear you, Seraphina.”

“Oh God,” she gasped in reply, arching up to meet his mouth as he kissed and sucked and teased with his lips and tongue. When she writhed and mewled in rising pleasure, he gave her more, sliding a finger through her juices and into the tight entrance of her body. She cried out as he added another, thrusting in tempo with his tongue’s deep strokes.

He glanced up the length of her twisting body. “Open your eyes, beauty. I want to see you come for me.”

She obeyed, lifting heavy lids, her gaze drunk with pleasure. “Jehan, please...”

Her hands tangled and fisted in his hair as he coaxed her higher, desperate for her pleasure—for her release—before he would let himself inside.

Ah, fuck. He’d never seen anything as erotic as Seraphina caught at the crest of orgasm. The sexy sounds she made. The unbridled response of her body. The tight, hot vise of her sheath, clamping down around his fingers as he flicked his tongue over her clit and drove her relentlessly toward a shattering release.

She held his gaze in the dark, and when she crashed apart a moment later, it was with his name on her lips.

Jehan couldn’t curb his satisfied grin.

He rose over her, pressing her knees to her chest as he guided his cock between the slick folds of her sex. Her eyes were locked on his, her body still flushed and shuddering with the aftershocks of her release. He tested her tight entrance with a small thrust of his hips, groaning as her little muscular walls enveloped the head of his shaft.

He grasped for control and found he had none.

Not where this woman was concerned.

And why that didn’t scare the hell out of him, he didn’t know.

Right now, with Seraphina wet and ready for him, the question damn well didn’t matter.

With a harsh curse, he flexed his pelvis and seated himself to the root.


She gasped Jehan’s name as he took her in one deep, breath-stealing thrust.

His wicked mouth and fingers had left her nerve endings vibrating and numb with sensation, her body slick and hot from release. But each rolling push of Jehan’s hips stoked her arousal to life once more. His cock stretched her, filled her so completely she could barely accommodate all of his length and girth. She closed her eyes against the staggering ecstasy that built as he moved inside her, his powerful strokes and relentless tempo driving her to the edge of her sanity.

She’d never felt anything as intoxicating as the naked strength of Jehan’s magnificent body. That all of his passion—all of his immense control—was concentrated on her pleasure was a drug she could easily become addicted to. Maybe she already was because her hunger for him was only growing more consuming with every hard crash of his body against hers.

Reaching up between them, he drew one of her legs down from where it lay bent against her chest and wrapped it around his waist as he shifted into an even more intense angle. The new position gave her access to his glyph-covered pecs and muscled abdomen, which she explored with questing fingers and scoring nails. She lifted her head and watched him pound into her, mesmerized by the violent, erotic beauty of their need.

Jehan made an approving noise in the back of his throat. “Do you like the way we look, Sera? Your legs spread open so wide for me, my cock buried in your heat?”

“Yes.” Oh, God. Had she thought she was already at the brink of combusting? His dark voice inflamed her even more. She tore her gaze away from their joining only to meet the crackling fire that blazed down at her from his transformed eyes. “Jehan...I didn’t know it could be like this. Watching you push inside me like you can’t get deep enough. I love seeing us together like this. I love the way we feel.”

“Mm,” he responded, more growl than reply. “Then let me give you even more.”

He set a new pace that destroyed her already slipping Copyright 2016 - 2024