Stroke of Luck - Opal Carew Page 0,80

life again, just as suddenly as she’d stumbled back into it.

Unless he did something about it.


Once April was inside the room, she crumpled on the couch. She should be happy. Maurice would be reimbursing her every cent she’d lost because of his abhorrent treatment of her. That meant she could pay back Quinn. And she was getting enough money from her town house to get started somewhere new.

But seeing Maurice had forced her to relive the pain of losing the dream of happily-ever-after all over again.

She couldn’t believe she’d been so thoroughly fooled by him. But when she thought about it, she realized he was like the magician from last night’s show. Keeping her attention focused on things like flashy gifts and talk of love while making things disappear. Like her self-esteem. Her independence. Her happiness.

With Maurice, she’d thought she was in love because she’d wanted the security his love and wealth would give her. But in fact, she would never be secure with Maurice because he could rip it all away from her so easily. In fact, anyone she came to depend on could do the same.

Her sense of security had to come from within herself. She had to believe she could keep herself secure and happy. Even when she’d been with Maurice, she’d held down her own job and paid her own bills, but everything she’d built had toppled because of Maurice.

She straightened her shoulders. But she’d learned from that. She wouldn’t let herself be in that position again.

Getting the money to pay back the hotel debt from Maurice meant she no longer owed Quinn, except for the clothes she’d bought, and she’d pay for those from the equity she was getting back from her town house. She’d use the rest of that money to get set up in an apartment somewhere and get back on her feet.

Her heart ached as she thought about living in that apartment alone. Without Quinn. Or Austin.

She’d never doubted that she loved Quinn. She’d never stopped loving him. And now she’d been falling in love with Austin, too.

She sighed and stared at the door wistfully. When Quinn had demanded answers from her, jealousy coloring every word, she’d become annoyed and rebellious, but she realized that he’d acted that way because he cared about her. He was worried that she’d go back to Maurice. And given her current situation and her past actions, she couldn’t really blame him for that.

If she hadn’t had Quinn and Austin’s help during ths desperate time, it would be all too easy to jump at a lifeline. To convince herself that Maurice was telling the truth and really did regret what he’d done. Because fear could do that to a person. She’d seen other women return to worse situations out of fear of the alternative.

It all came down to wanting to be loved and cared for.

Maurice was doing everything he could to convince her he still cared. By giving her money.

Quinn had given her money, too. But he’d also given her so much more. And all of it with no strings. He’d only agreed to the arrangement to satisfy her need to pay him back.

She sighed and stood up, then walked toward the door.

* * *

Austin watched Quinn with a somber eye. His friend had come a long way dealing with his feelings for April. Austin had hoped over the next few weeks that Quinn would finally realize he wanted to keep her in his life.

Austin sure as hell did, and he had no idea how that was going to work.

But now April could just move on, and as happy as Austin was about April having her independence again, selfishly he wished the turnaround could have come a little later.

Quinn sipped his drink, and Austin saw the resolve in his eyes. That was good. It meant Quinn was going to fight for her.

The sound of the bedroom door opening snagged his attention, and his focus jerked to it, along with Quinn’s.

April stepped into the living room. The anger was gone from her eyes, and she looked almost sheepish.

She sat down. “Quinn, I’m sorry I got mad.” Her fingers twisted together on her lap. “It was hard seeing Maurice again, and when you got angry and started questioning me…” She bit her lip. “I just reacted.”

Quinn stood up and moved to her chair, then knelt in front of her and took her hand.

“It’s okay, baby. I didn’t mean to badger you.”

She wiped an errant tear from her eye. “I Copyright 2016 - 2024