Stroke of Luck - Opal Carew Page 0,58

thing. After that, just see where things go.”

“Yeah, if she’ll even talk to me.” He shook his head.

“We’ll deal with that when the time comes. Right now, why don’t we have the food sent up to the suite? I’m sure she’ll appreciate that once her stomach starts to rumble.”

Austin signaled for the waitress.

* * *

Quinn glanced at his watch, his foot tapping as nervous energy thrummed through him. Where was April?

He and Austin had been back in the suite for over an hour, finished their meals, and now sat in the living room. Austin was happily reading a book in the armchair, but Quinn couldn’t settle.

“Relax, buddy. She’ll be back,” Austin said.

“Maybe I should go look for her,” Quinn said, glancing at his watch again.

Austin closed the book and set it on the coffee table, then leaned forward.

“It’s not like she has bus fare or anywhere to go,” he pointed out. “And she promised a month. From everything I’ve seen, she’s a woman of her word. Do you really think she’s going to skip out on us, especially when she’s so concerned about paying off the debt?”

Quinn needed to sort out his feelings for her. He hated struggling with his emotions like this. And not having her here was driving him crazy.

His chest tightened another notch. “I just want to know she’s okay.”

A light knock sounded at the door. Quinn strode to the entrance and swung it open.

April stood on the other side, her expression subdued.

His heart swelled at the sight of her.

“Quinn, I’m sorry I ran out on breakfast.”

He gently grasped her elbow and drew her inside, letting the door close behind her.

“It’s okay, baby.” Quinn guided her into the living room.

“Austin, I’m sorry,” she said as she sat down on the couch across from him.

Quinn sat down beside her, his arm sliding around her waist and drawing her close.

“It’s okay,” Austin said. “Things did get a bit emotional.”

She pursed her lips. “You and Quinn have been so good to me. I should have let it go.”

Quinn tightened his hold. “Never mind about that. I’m just glad you’re back.”

Austin grinned. “You’ll be happy to know we brought your breakfast up to the suite. I can nuke it for you. Coffee, too. Or I can order a fresh breakfast from room service.”

She smiled. “No, that’s okay. I’m fine with reheated, and I’m starving.”

Austin strolled into the small kitchen. Quinn walked with April to the table and sat down. A few minutes later, Austin returned with a tray containing a covered plate, a thermos of coffee, and three mugs. He filled her cup as she started to eat.

Quinn sipped his coffee, watching her the whole time. Things had changed over the past day. Everything he’d thought he’d known about her and why they’d broken up had changed. He’d never realized how alone she’d felt her whole life. How that had affected her feelings of self-worth.

He had thought she’d left him for someone who had more money, but she had left him for other reasons. He’d been too much of a fool to see he was losing her because she was insecure about his feelings for her and thought he was pulling away. She’d been afraid of losing him, so she’d ended it first.

The fact she’d fallen for Maurice … even she had admitted that money might have been a factor, but not for reasons of greed as he’d surmised … but because what she’d needed most was security. And love.

Fuck, he could have given her both back then. He hadn’t had wealth, but he’d had a brain and could make a good living. She could, too. Together they could have built a sound foundation. But more, he’d been in love with her, and if he’d been able to see what was happening and assure her, his love would have helped heal her wounds.

She cut another bite of egg, Canadian bacon, and English muffin, pushed the forkful through the béarnaise sauce, then put it in her mouth. When she noticed he was watching her, she smiled timidly, then swallowed. She was down to her last few bites.

He’d wasted so much time. He couldn’t let this opportunity slip away. To reestablish what they’d had.

Austin sipped his coffee, watching both of them. When April finished her last bite, Austin tipped back his cup and drained it, then picked up her plate and placed it on the tray, along with his empty cup.

He stood up. “Well, I’m going out for a walk. I’ll probably be Copyright 2016 - 2024