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pressed up my spine. His hand was a hot piece of coal on my clammy, quivering back, and all I wanted was for him to rip my clothes off and have his way with me.

As if someone had thrown a bucket of cold water on us, there was a pound on the door, causing us both to jump.

“Eh Hem,” a deep voice interrupted.

Jet’s eyes closed and his jaw tightened.

“Forgive me, Raina, but I need a word with Mr. Ryder.”

Jet backpedaled, all vulnerability gone. The cool, calm, and collected rock star swagger returning once he faced his manager. “Seb, wonderful timing as ever.”

I crossed my arms and couldn’t bare to meet Seb’s eyes. He’d just caught us making out in my hotel room.

“Enjoy your afternoon, Ms. Skye,” Seb called over Jet’s shoulder, dragging him into the hallway, then closed the door. Both of my hands covered my face while I fell to the bed. “Why didn’t I think to close the door?!”

Chapter Eight

Jet Ryder, Past

Kyle must have been the former boyfriend, I thought as a giant hand slapped on my shoulder.

“Excuse me, but I need to talk to Regan,” the owner of the massive hand muttered in my ear.

Regan grabbed my hand and pulled me to her side. Now I got a good look at the owner of the thick hand. It matched the rest of his body. This guy was built, and could snap me in two if he wanted.

“I have nothing to say to you.” She stood tall, holding her chin high.

The mean machine in front of me scowled. “I’m not going to let you make poor decisions with this loser.”

Now I was scowling. “Excuse me?”

He stared down at me, eyes blazing. “Beat it, Goth boy.”

“Goth boy?” I laughed. “Wow, you’re good at comebacks.”

“Go the fuck away before I move you myself,” he threatened, squaring his shoulders to appear more intimidating.

It didn’t discourage me, it only fueled my ability to piss people off. Taking a step in front of Regan, I crossed my arms and smirked. “Fine, I’ll go, but Regan, she’ll be joining me.”

A monster of an arm reached around me, his dress shirt rolled to his elbows, revealing veins bulging out of his forearms. This dude was jacked, and at least twice the size of me. He grabbed Regan’s bicep and yanked.

I always thought of myself as intelligent, but this moment in time wasn’t one of my brightest. Considering our obvious size difference, and my lack of muscles, I should have played my cards differently, but I’m a hot head when I get angry, and this motherfucker flipped my switch the moment he laid a hand on her.

With all of my fury, I karate chopped the forearm that had a hold on Regan, then shoved him with all of my might. It wasn’t forceful enough to knock him down, but he did let her go, and that was the goal, even though it came with a swift punch to my face.

My head flew backward, a throb more excruciating than I’d ever felt pulsing through my nose and into my cheeks. My hand found my face, the other searching the air for balance.

“Kyle!” Regan shouted, grabbing my hand to help me stand straight. “Oh my gosh, Jet, I’m so sorry.”

Chase appeared out of nowhere with his deep, southern drawl, clicking his tongue in approval. “Shouldn’t have done that.”

The smug grin from Kyle’s mouth faded, and Chase connected his fist to his face.

“Oh, shit! Here we go!” Rocket cheered, a girl on each arm, watching Chase continue to pound on Kyle. It didn’t stop until Mikey came in, bigger than both of them put together. He grabbed a smiling Chase and shoved him to the side, holding a raging Kyle back with one arm.

“Sir, you’re going to need to take care of your face,” another security guard said to Kyle, helping Mikey bring him to the bathroom.

Regan turned to me, her eyes wide with embarrassment.“You’re bleeding,” she gasped.

I dabbed at my nose, feeling the warm blood trickle out of my nose, tasting the hint of metallic on my lips. “Yeah, wouldn’t be the first time.”

She took my arm and guided me to the bar, taking one of the fancy cloth napkins and handing it to me. “Can we get some ice, please?” She asked the bartender.

His eyes went wide when he saw my face. “Absolutely,” he said awkwardly, then scrambled behind the bar, coming up with a bag of ice.

Regan took it from him and cautiously held it to Copyright 2016 - 2024