Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,85

beams, but a lone tear slips free and falls from his eyelash.

Clapping and hoots rise in the room as I stand and fold him in my arms, pulling him tight against my chest.

Archer tips his head back. "I think you're supposed to kiss me now."

I chuckle and drop my lips to his, brushing them with a feathering touch. "I'm going to kiss you every day for the rest of our lives."

"Unless I'm sick," he mutters and a choked laugh bubbles in my throat.

"Even then it'll be worth the risk." I slant my mouth over his in a devouring kiss.

Hoots turn into whistles, but I'm lost to the feel and taste of Archer. I'll never get enough, and I'm not sure a lifetime of these moments will ever slake my need for him.

I pull back and peer down at my game changer—my muse. Our hearts beat in sync. My soul is tethered to his. My ring may be on his finger, but Archer West holds my heart in the palm of his hand. And I never want it back.

The End


This book wouldn't have been published without my incredibly appreciated support team. This year has been rough with the pandemic. It tossed an extra dose of upheaval in my personal life, so I want to start with thanking my kids who, despite being stuck at home, have handled all the things thrown at them this year with maturity beyond their years.

Kid one and two, you better never actually be reading this. You two rock for understanding and finding ways to keep busy while I was stationed in front of my laptop for hours on end.

To my loudest cheerleader, my mom, you are probably the biggest reason my books see the light of day. Thank you for all your pep talks and all-around support.

Jill Wexler, thank you for being there when doubt gets the better of me and putting up with my brand of weird. Your patience and support are everything. Also, thanks for saving me from the pickle I found myself in.

Rheland Richmond, Abigail Kade, Brittany Cournoyer, and Neve Wilder thank you for talking me down when I have occasional (or often) panic attacks and giving me an ear to vent to. Sorry in advance for the next time it happens.

Bryce Winters, thank you for the blurb feedback. I still love the tagline.

My Crow's Clubhouse reader group, you guys are amazing. It's nice to know I've got my own corner of the online world filled with readers and authors who support my work and provide a positive and fun atmosphere.

This gorgeous cover was the result of the wonderfully talented Cate Ashwood who made my vision come to life. Kudos, girl. I'm picky as hell about covers.

Thank you to the many authors, groups and blogs that help spread the word of Stripped Love.

To you, the reader, I couldn't do this whole author thing without you. Thank you for reading, reviewing, recommending and sharing the book. It means the absolute world to me.

XOXO -Baylin

About Baylin

Bios are challenging. I don't have a clue how to write about myself. Fictional characters? Sure! Me? Not so much. It's the reason my author bio stayed practically blank until after I finished my second novel.

Who am I? Well, I guess I should start by telling you that I write MM romance and I love what I do.

I fell in love with writing during elementary school with my first "Bare Book" but honestly never thought I'd become an author. It always seemed to be something I dreamed of and not something I could make a reality. Now that I have, I can't picture myself doing anything else.

I live in Texas where the heat and I don't get along. One day I hope to call Northeast USA home. I'm a mother of two ridiculously cute kids. I have two dogs and one cat, the latter of which is a spoiled brat, but she's my spoiled brat.

Spending the day under a fluffy blanket reading or writing away on my laptop with a mountain of coffee is my idea of time well spent. I get to live so many lives through books that I consider myself genuinely lucky to call myself an avid reader. Books, whether I'm reading or writing them, make up a huge part of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Ways To Connect With Baylin


My Reader’s Group: Crow's Clubhouse




Amazon Author Page

Guys Next Door Series

Stripped Love (Book One) September 2020

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