Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,80

twist he'd thrown me.

He shook his head. "You were right. The pirate was driven by revenge and was willing to die to avenge his brother. When you want something bad enough, you do whatever it takes. You don't hesitate to run head on into an army of ruthless creatures. You're driven by your own primal urges and don't think twice about the obstacles that lay ahead of you."

I considered him as he bit his lip, head tilted as he offered the explanation. I agreed with a nod. "Some things are worth the fight. Even if you’re scared you might lose."

"Exactly.” He nodded. “Right or wrong, morals don't factor in. The win comes from determination, whichever side wants it most."

I grinned. When Archer talked about his book, his heart spoke, and I found it fascinating to get a front row seat to the way his brain worked.

"Arch, this is amazing. Is there a big market for this kind of book?" I wondered aloud.

He shrugged. "Well, I'm never going to be filthy rich, because it doesn't speak to a large audience like your words do. But it's a niche some will seek out. And it's not the only type of book I plan to write."

"No?" I still had so much to learn about Archer and could only hope he'd let me.

His lips twitched. "I'm not all darkness and gore. Now that this one's finished, I think I'll start a high fantasy I've been wanting to write. There will be battles, but in the end, love wins. I'm not willing to budge on that."

I chuckled as I watched him. "You amaze me."

The thought escaped my mouth before I'd given it permission to, but I didn't regret it when his eyes lit up.

"Stop distracting me," he scolded and frowned. "I already went off topic."

I couldn't really take his admonishing seriously when a grin battled to be set free on his face.

"My bad. Please continue." I waved him on.

He snorted but then scowled at me. "I practiced this speech for hours and you've ruined it. It doesn't even make sense anymore."

I stifled the laugh bubbling up my throat. His sudden shift in demeanor demanded my attention.

He was quiet but then sighed. "What I was attempting to say was I want to win. Even if it means blindly trusting you. Because I do. I thought I was being naïve, but it turned out I was really just scared I'd get hurt. My uncle helped me realize that wasn't a way to live and asked if I could imagine walking away. I can't, and if you still want me—"

"I do," I interrupted on a rush of breath, and a slow smile teased his lips.

"You really are determined to screw up my well-prepared script."

I leaned toward him. "I don't want practiced words, Arch. I want your heart. You have mine already. I've wanted to tell you so bad." Swallowing hard, I reached forward and palmed his cheek, stroking my thumb over his skin when he leaned into the touch. "Archer West, I'm completely, irrevocably in love with you."

His eyes widened. "You are?"

I chuckled. "Don't look so surprised. You've been my muse, the heartbeat that thumps in time with mine, and become the one thing in this world that I can't imagine a life without. I love you with my heart. I love you with my soul. I didn't know I was missing anything until you made me whole."

He sniffed and tears filled his eyes. "You can't even tell a guy you love him without turning it into poetry."

"Not a guy. I've never said it to anyone else." I stared at him intently. "When the man I love is the one person capable of giving me back my music, I can't imagine doing it any other way."

He blinked rapidly and swiped at the lone tear that dripped from his eyelash. "Well, now I feel like I should have written you a book or something. Without you, I'm not sure I'd ever found a way to the ending. So, this will have to do." He sucked in a shuddering breath. "Phoenix Ryan, I love you back. More than you could ever know."

My lips slanted into a crooked smile. "I think I might have an idea."

We shared a grin, and then I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to feel him. All of him.

I stood and held out my hand that he took without hesitation and let me pull him to his feet. Drawing him close, I reveled in the warmth Copyright 2016 - 2024