Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,8

I like it.” He winked and then he was gone, leaving a sense of emptiness in his wake.

I stared at the empty space as I attempted to let my body calm down, but my heart still thudded erratically.

A thought struck me suddenly, and I pushed off the couch. I hadn't tipped Phoenix at all. Was that one of the rules he was talking about breaking? Crap.

I raced out into the hall and caught sight of him just before he went through a back door. "Phoenix!"

He paused and looked back at me. "Yeah?"

I pulled out my wallet. "I didn’t…"

He retraced his steps back to me, eating up the distance quickly, and I drank in the sight of his inked skin in the light.

Grabbing my wallet, he reached around and shoved it back in my pocket. His hand slid slowly over my ass and he whispered. "Happy birthday, Arch."

Long seconds after he spun around, I watched until he slipped through the door and then I took several calming breaths. For someone often accused of being unshakable, I was rattled to my core. My entire world had been tilted off its axis, and I needed a moment to set it right again.

Once my hands stopped trembling, I wound my way back to our table where I found CJ and Caleb scrolling through their phones. Both sets of eyes snapped up as I slouched back into my chair.

Avoiding their eyes, I scanned the stage, knowing Phoenix would be making his way down there.

"Well?" CJ asked, waving his hand in front of my face.

When I turned to him, with what I hoped was an indifferent appearance, they both leaned in—ice blue eyes boring into mine, as if I had some dirty secret to share.

I had the secret. But I wasn’t sharing.

Adopting a confused expression, I wrinkled my nose and fought not to shift nervously in my seat. "Well, what?"

Caleb's mouth stretched into a broad grin. "How was it? Did you bust a nut?"

"Jesus, Caleb," CJ muttered before he cocked a brow at me. "Well, did you?"

I huffed in exasperation. "No. And you are both in trouble for setting it up in the first place.”

My cheeks flushed hot all over again as I thought about what had happened with Phoenix.

Caleb scoffed. "You didn't look too upset when you let him drag you away caveman style. I'm sort of bummed you came back with no relief. Blue balls then?"

"Caleb," I snapped and glanced around, wondering if anyone had overheard him. "Stop."

“Did you at least have fun?" CJ cut in with a hopeful tone. I tried to bite back a smile, failing completely as my gaze ducked to my lap. His loud laugh followed. "I knew it! Damn, I'm a good friend."

I rolled my eyes. "You're something."

"Up high," Caleb said, ignoring me, and they high-fived.

My mouth was parched, so I grabbed my bottled water and chugged half of it. "Whatever. Can we just go now?"

"Yep, our job here is done. Mission Give Archer a Boner for his Birthday is complete," Caleb said proudly and they stood. "Lead the way."

Sighing, I climbed to my feet. We stuck together as we worked our way to the stairs and then down to the main floor. Just as we reached the bottom step, the speaker system turned on, and we all paused to listen as a hush settled over the club.

“If you’ve been here before," the voice boomed through the speakers, "then you know what you’re in for. If this is your first visit, I guarantee it won't be your last. Get ready for a treat." He paused. "Nix, get your sexy ass out here!”

Hoots and hollers rose from the crowd, and tingles rushed over my skin as the stage lit with purple light.

Phoenix stepped out, and my stomach flipped. He wasn't dressed as a cop or fireman. Unlike anything I expected, he strolled onto the stage as a cocky tattooed businessman in a dark sleek suit and tie. I suddenly had a whole new appreciation for office jobs.

A sultry song enveloped the room as his inked fingers tugged at the tie around his neck. Captivated, I couldn’t look away as he started loosening the knot in one excruciatingly slow pull.

Someone tugged my arm, sending me off balance. I caught myself on the rail as CJ started laughing, still gripping my arm. "Let's go before you leave a puddle of drool."

"I am not drooling." I scowled, but relented and followed the twins to the exit. At the door, I glanced at the Copyright 2016 - 2024