Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,78

decided this restaurant might even be better at perfecting waffles than the one I'd met the twins for breakfast.

Uncle Isaac sat back in the booth. "You're serious?" I nodded while chewing, and he shook his head. "How did I not know Phoenix was even involved in the industry? Courting Echoes." He continued to shake his head in awe. "I'll be damned. Your boyfriend's gonna be a hot shot songwriter."

"He’s really good…but it’s not a done deal yet." I quickly explained Dylan's part in it and the band's conversation with Phoenix.

"He talked to them himself?" My uncle stared at me like an awestruck child. "I'll be damned," he repeated and then muttered, "I think I'm in shock." I laughed and he cracked a grin. "What? I'm a huge fan."

"I got that." I snorted. "You didn't know Dylan worked on the drummer's tattoos?"

He stabbed the table with his finger. "He does not."

"Does so." I chuckled. "Ask him. How do you think he got them to look at Phoenix's work?"

"How come I've never seen him in my shop?" he challenged.

"No idea. I didn't grill him about it, but I'm taking notes on how to do it for the future." I gave him a pointed look.

A wide grin stretched his cheeks. "Smartass. I think I like this new side of you."

I grinned. "I think I do too."

As we ate, he shot out question after question, trying to pry answers from me that I didn't have. But it was funny watching my uncle fanboy like a teenager. I could only imagine what would happen if they actually contracted a song with Phoenix.

Stomachs full, we made the trip home. Once parked, my gaze once again strayed to Phoenix's house and I wondered if he was awake. I was tempted to knock just to see him.

Forcing myself to go inside, I hustled up to my room. With hours remaining before the shop opened and I had to go to work, I sat at my desk and opened my sketchbook. While my uncle had been obsessing about Courting Echoes, I'd made a decision.

I knew who won the war between the sirens and pirates. My colored pencils flew over the pages as I depicted the climax. Blood and gore spread across the sheets in a battle so gruesome it was amazing anyone came out alive. But battered and bruised, one did.



At two o'clock in the morning, I found myself reclined in the wicker chair on the back patio with my ankles crossed on top of the glass table. To settle my nerves, I lit a cigarette, inhaling and then exhaling the cloud of smoke. The moon was bright and shadows danced under the swaying trees.

I couldn't sleep, even though I didn’t have to go into work. There was too much on my mind. I was excited about the unexpected opportunity I’d been given to write for one of the biggest rock bands in the world. But I was also afraid I wouldn’t find the perfect words that would make them say yes to the song. Gage had already made clear the odds weren’t in my favor.

Sucking in another lungful of smoke, I shook my head. In my wildest dreams, even when I'd been relentlessly pursuing them, I'd never dared to hope for something so unobtainable. I couldn't believe this massive break fell into my lap. Things like that just didn't happen in the music world.

Archer made it happen, or at least he'd been a pivotal part of the chance of a lifetime. My lips tilted to one side when I remembered Gage Flex refer to Archer as my manager. The smile slipped away as my gaze turned to the empty second story balcony next door.

My love for Archer was endless and consuming. He surprised me constantly, and I found myself leaning on him, even in his absence, for inspiration in the lyrics. He was more than my muse though. He was everything. It had only been a short time without him, but I felt as if a piece of my soul had wandered astray, and I wasn't sure it would find its way back to me.

It was tearing me apart, and that feeling flooded all over the page I was scribbling on. Desperate desire and longing dripped from the pencil tip that formed the words meant for another man to share with the world. But so many people would relate to the song in a world full of bruised hearts.

A melody that fit with Courting Echoes' brand clicked, and Copyright 2016 - 2024