Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,74

and let go of his hand. "I've been sending out applications all day. But for now, I have a little stowed away to tide me over."

It wasn't much, but I didn't want him worrying about that. We had enough to work through.

Archer chewed on his bottom lip. "I worry that I trust you too much."

My eyebrows scrunched together. "I don't understand."

"It's hard to explain, but my uncle always said when I was younger, I took everything literally and at face value. If I apply that to last night, my brain knows what I saw, but my heart trusts you completely. I can't help but wonder if I'm just naïve because I want it—you—so much."

"Does that mean…" I trailed off, unsure what I should say. What I even had a right to ask, since I fucked up. He wasn't the only one treading unfamiliar waters. In this, I was just as much a virgin as he’d been.

"I just need to think." His dark eyes begged me to understand.

I nodded though I wasn't sure I fully understood. It was clear he was struggling to explain and needed to sort out his thoughts. My chest clenched because I didn't know what that meant for us.

I sucked in a deep breath and forced out, "Then that's what you should do. But I…" I twisted the rings on my fingers, unconsciously choosing the red one—Archer’s favorite. "I'll be here, okay? However long it takes."

The need to pull him close, wrap my arms around him, and confess what he meant to me was overwhelming, but I stifled the urge. To tell him now felt like manipulation, and I wanted to know that he wanted me. That even after everything, he did trust me and believed me when I said I would never purposely hurt him. So, I swallowed the words.

He gave me a sad smile. "I should go. If I'm around you, I know what I'll do."

I could tell this was as hard on him as it was for me and my smile matched his even as I joked, "Then I think staying around me is a brilliant plan."

"Phoenix," he chided, knocking his knee against mine. "I just need to think. It's not fair to you if I'm unsure."

Archer pushed off the bench, and I couldn't stand him leaving on that note, so I shifted gears.

Looking up at him, I tilted my head. "Hey, Arch? Something happened today, and I'm a little confused."

"What happened?" He frowned.

Leaning forward, I rested my elbows on my knees and rubbed my lower lip. "Did you happen to submit the song I wrote for you to Courting Echoes?"

His eyes widened and he quickly shook his head, auburn hair sweeping over his forehead. "Dylan stole it. He said he knew the drummer and would see if they were interested. I said no, but…" He winced with an awkward shrug. "But then I said yes. Are you mad?"

I held back the smile at his flushed cheeks. He was adorable and the thought of him not in my life… I didn't want to go there again. "No, I'm not mad. Not even a little bit."

A relieved breath whooshed from his parted lips, but then he frowned. "Wait. How did you even know?"

"Oh, I just got off the phone with Gage." I cracked a small grin, a mix of sadness, excitement, and disbelief, because I still hadn't wrapped my mind around it completely. "They're interested."

His eyes widened. "Are you serious? Oh my god, Phoenix! That's incredible."

"Calm down." I grinned. "It's not a done deal. In fact, he said it isn't even likely. They want me to write something else and submit it."

"You are going to write something amazing. As usual." He bit his lip, and I had the urge to free it but kept my hands to myself.

"Thanks, Arch." We grinned at each other. He was the first to break eye contact.

He waved awkwardly toward Isaac's. "I'm gonna go, but I'm so happy for you. You deserve to have your songs heard."

I gave a clipped nod and rolled my lips. “Okay, but I’m here. Anytime. Day or night.”

A small smile crept across his face. “I think I already know that.”

Dejected, I watched as Archer walked back to his house. My gaze lingered on the closed door for a moment before I sighed and headed inside. I grabbed a beer and carried it to the couch. The headache returned and pulsed around my temples. I rubbed in circles to alleviate the pain so I could focus.

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