Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,65

I was trying to get him to back off. I couldn't help that he was booked with the same party. But I didn't…" My shoulders shook as I sucked in deep breaths to keep from shattering all over the VIP floor. He gritted his teeth. "Fuck!"

"Says he got a text from you to come pick you up," Damon filled in the situation. "Apparently you got off early and your car is fucked."

Phoenix's forehead creased. "I didn't…"

"Aiden," Damon interrupted and Phoenix's jaw ticced. "Remember what he told everyone about his brother?"

I didn't know what they were talking about, but I was completely drained, and the need to escape strengthened. "I'm going to get going since you don't need a ride. I told my uncle I'd be back."

I was a terrible liar, and his expression said he knew it.

"That was not what it looked like," he insisted with panic edging his tone.

I had to admit it gave me pause, but then I'd picture them together again. How do you unsee something like that? How do you convince your heart it's not broken when it feels like it's been shredded by betrayal?

"Aiden designed this whole thing, I know he did." He hurried on as I took another step away. "Dammit, Arch. He's not even supposed to touch me."

"You didn't pull away," I whispered, but somehow, he heard it over the pounding music. His expression crumbled.

Phoenix dragged a hand over his face. "I did. Several times. What you saw was bad timing or something."

Damon snorted. "I'd say."

"What the fuck was I supposed to do, D? Anything more than I already did would have gotten me fired." He turned to me and his voice softened. "All these people here tonight are friends of my boss. I couldn't shove him away, or I would have. I'm so fucking sorry, Arch." His gaze dipped and he fingered the cuff. A chuckle laced with anger rumbled in his chest. "I should have known this wasn't just a stupid prop."

"Gentlemen!" A throaty, feminine voice came from behind me. "Can I have a moment of your time?"

"Sure, Des." Damon sighed before mumbling, "Looks like I'm going down with this ship."

Phoenix's gaze stayed locked on mine. "I'm serious, Arch. Tell me you believe me. Please."

"Nix!" The woman's voice was sharper that time and his jaw clenched.

"Just a second, Des." His eyes continued to search mine, and I was tempted to fold. I needed to think and couldn't, not with him standing so close that I could smell the sweat and oils clinging to his body.

"Now." Her tone brooked no arguments, and I was growing even more uncomfortable.

My gaze flicked left and right, noticing how much attention we'd drawn from the crowd. "I have to go.”

His nostrils flared, but the spark in his eyes dimmed. "I'll see you at home, okay?"

I wouldn't be at home, so I didn't reply. Turning on my heels, I kept my eyes trained on the carpeted floor and focused on putting one foot in front of the other so I didn't trip in my hurry to escape.

As soon as I stepped outside, I sucked in huge gasping breaths of city air and battled the sting of tears.

Knowing Aiden had choreographed the entire incident should have made me feel better. And maybe it did in a way, but the mental image of the two of them was burned in my brain.

I just wished Phoenix had pushed him away.

But he hadn’t.

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I walked back to my car with my head hung and emotions I'd never felt before ripping apart my insides. Once I started the engine, I rested my forehead against the steering wheel as I considered my next move.

I didn't want to go home or back to the shop, so I fished my phone from my pocket and pulled up the group message with the twins.

Me: you guys home?

CJ: Yeah, what's up?

Caleb: I'm at Gwen's but I can be. What's going on?

I had no idea who Gwen was, but knowing Caleb… I sighed. Maybe he had the right idea by not tying himself to a relationship. Even as I knew it was my bruised heart and wounded pride talking, in that moment I could only focus on the pain.

Me: I'm heading that way.

Caleb: I'm leaving now. Meet you there.



The door slammed behind Desi as she stormed into the small office where Damon and I waited. Side-by-side, the two bucket chairs we'd taken faced a wide mahogany desk and window, covered with a velvet Copyright 2016 - 2024