Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,6


Nix led me toward the back of the VIP where there were much smaller rooms completely sectioned off. Each was hidden behind thick black opaque curtains, and he paused in front of one. Hand wrapped around the outer fold, he turned to me and lifted a questioning brow.

After swallowing the reoccurring lump in my throat, I nodded.

His teeth sank into his bottom lift, and his eyes blazed a heated trail down to where my hard cock was likely visible through my jeans. After a pregnant pause, Nix’s gaze lifted to mine and narrowed. “I’m going to make you wish I was really fucking you.”

My knees wobbled. If he kept talking like that, he was probably right. Losing my virginity in a private room at a strip club wasn’t how I’d ever envisioned it, but—

The thought was cut off when he impatiently whipped the curtain back and pulled me inside.

"Take a seat." Nix gestured toward the leather couch and then messed with something on the wall.

Shaking off my nerves as much as I could, I sat on the couch and wiped my damp palms on my jeans. “What now?”

His lids lowered as he stared at me and hit a switch on the wall. A slow beat pumped from the speakers, and he drew the curtain closed, flooding the room with darkness except the black light that hung from above. Special paint glowed on his skin in the dark that I hadn’t been able to see before. It ran along his contours so I didn't miss a single move he made as he slowly approached me.

Nix dipped down, bringing his face close to mine as he placed my hands at my sides on the couch. He paused an inch away from my lips. "You sit still and let me make you feel good.”

“Oh,” I whispered, and his lips quirked to one side.

“First time, right?" he asked, voice silky as it coasted over my mouth. When I nodded, a satisfied glint flashed in his eyes as he caressed my knuckles. "Keep your hands here, okay?"

"They won't move," I promised as I watched, growing hungrier for him by the second. What was it about him I was so drawn to?

I quickly decided it didn't matter when he moved to brace himself by gripping the back of the couch on both sides of my head.

"Lean back," he purred and my cock throbbed at the husky tone. Nix surrounded me everywhere as he began an entire body roll. His intense gaze cemented with mine as he moved in lazy waves.

"You are so hot." I wasn't sure where the bold words came from, but he paused and groaned out a curse.

"Fuck it," he growled, and the oxygen disappeared from my lungs as swiftly as he climbed on top of me, straddling my thighs.

I gasped. "Oh, wow. Okay, so this is what we're doing."

"This okay with you?" He hesitated, and my head moved in jerky movements I hoped was a nod.

Nix hummed low in his throat as he began to grind against me, each roll of his body in time with the beat and highlighted with glowing streaks of paint. Any insecurity or nervousness that lingered faded completely under his control. All I could think, see, smell and feel was Nix. I was practically drowning in him.

Rocking against my cock, his weight pinned me down as I squirmed, seeking more of him. It wasn't enough and too much all at once.

"Oh, god." A moan slipped from my lips, and I fisted my hands, fighting the natural urge to grab him and beg him to give me relief from the hurricane of need ripping through my body.

He was hard, and my eyes rolled back at the slide of his shaft pressing, grinding, along mine. The friction from my jeans he created drove me to the brink of madness.

I wanted to touch him. I wanted to see how thick and long his dick was. Was he cut? Would he rip me in two if he slipped inside my ass? Pants raced in and out of my lungs, completely lost to Nix.

"Feel good?" His voice roughened as he brought his lips close to my neck. Each word sent a dizzying sensation over my sensitive skin, and I imagined him darting his tongue out to taste me.

" good." An unrestrained moan dripped from my tongue with the next glide. The music sped up, and he followed the pounding rhythm.

There was a really high chance I'd come in my pants at this rate, Copyright 2016 - 2024