Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,23

tasting him. "You don't have anything on your mouth."

His trembling fingers squeezed around the bottle and relaxed. "Well, you can kiss me if you want."

My brow arched in surprise, but there wasn't a single chance in hell I was passing up that invitation. I slid across the couch toward him and took his beer, setting it on the table before I faced him again. "You giving me the green light, Arch?"

He slowly nodded, mute, and my cock hardened as I crowded his space, pressing him against the cushion. Leaning close, I nipped at his neck, and he gasped.

"Did you come here for this?" I whispered in his ear.

"I came to show you my book like you asked." He nervously laughed. "I had no idea you had a graphic novel fetish."

Grinning into the crook of his neck, I breathed in his scent. He wore no cologne, but smelled of fresh linen detergent that clung to his clothes. "Maybe I just have an Archer fetish."

"Phoenix?" The breathy way he said my name drove me crazy, but l leashed my urge to get him beneath me, moaning my name.

"Yeah?" I ran my tongue up the side of his neck, savoring the flavor of his skin.

"Are you going to kiss me or not?" he whispered and I pulled back, meeting his heavy-lidded eyes.

"Yeah, Arch. I'm going to kiss you." As I leaned in, he sucked in a sharp breath and closed his eyes. I studied his features as I erased the distance and dusted my lips against his, reveling in the feather soft touch.

He licked his lips. "You don't taste like smoke."

Shaking my head, I repeated the motion, a barely there brush of our mouths. "I only smoke when I'm stressed."

"Oh," he said as he brought his hands to my shoulders where they rested lightly.

His chest rose and fell, in a chaotic rhythm, and I needed to feel it against mine. "I want you to lay down so I can kiss you properly. You okay with that?"

"If it'll get you to stop stalling, then yes." Archer’s tone was steeped with unexpected exasperation.

Jumping up from the couch, I tugged his legs until he was flat on his back. "And here I was trying to take it slow."

“No, thank you,” he replied with a twinkle in his eye, making me laugh. God, he was adorable.

“I can live with that,” I rumbled as I scanned his body and parted his legs, one bent against the back of the couch and the other fell to the floor. Without hesitation, I dropped a knee on the couch and crawled over him. Propped on my forearms, I caged him in and lowered myself between his thighs. A sharp gasp ripped from his throat, and I groaned when I pressed my hard length against his. The flimsy material of my shorts let him feel his effect on me, which was complete and total need for the squirming package of temptation beneath me. I wanted to undo his shorts to get the full sensation, but I still wasn't sure where the line was drawn.

Wide eyes stared up at me. Mouth parted, Archer silently urged me on. I dove down, slanting my mouth over his in a burning rush I was helpless to contain. I slid my tongue between his lips, lapping up the sweetness of his mouth. He moaned while lifting his hips, creating friction that tested my control.

The wet glide of his tongue was maddening, and I only barely registered the inexperienced way he kissed me back. Somehow it made me crave him even more, but also gave me pause. Unsure if I was moving too fast, I reluctantly pulled back and cleared my throat. "Not that it makes a difference to me, but...are you a virgin?"

"Yes," he answered without hesitation. Before I had time to respond, or even think through his admission, his hands went behind my head and jerked me back down. Well, okay then.

His hand brushed against the fresh tattoo, but the stinging pain only spurred me on. Capturing my mouth, he sucked on my bottom lip, and any lingering reservations I might have had were forgotten between his moans. I cursed as he began rolling his hips, sliding his shaft along mine. I'd never hated a pair of shorts more in my life. I wanted them stripped from his body and lying in a pile on the floor. Where was the unsure guy who trembled for me? He was still trembling, but his hands roamed my naked Copyright 2016 - 2024