Street Magic - By Tamora Pierce Page 0,63

it and counted its contents, aware that Jebilu and Lady Zenadia watched him. All of the money was there. He poured out the coins and put them into his bags, leaving the silk purse empty. He wanted nothing of this female other than his rightful payment. He bowed to the lady and to Jebilu, then walked away.

On the way out, he stopped once more at the arch that offered the best view of the big garden, looking at its plants and trees with a careful eye. There was freshly turned earth near the bases of two trees, a prickly juniper and a short-leafed cedar, he saw.

What do they feed you? he asked them silently. What makes you grow so well in such tired ground?

They still had no words for it. Briar shook his head wearily and followed his guide to the servants' gate.

Chapter Twelve

As he loaded the donkey and mounted his horse, all Briar could think of was home. Visions of soup, fruit, maybe a roasted cook-shop chicken floated before his mind's eye. A bath would be good, too. He wanted the scent of the lady's house off his skin. He didn't know why, but the place had given him the crawls. It was as if he'd been asked an important question while he wasn't listening.

I don't want to know the answer, he told himself as he nudged his horse through the gate. I'm no Sandry, forever wanting to solve the world's troubles, or Tris, poking about for secrets. Daja has the right of it: keep business to yourself and your clan, and get on with life. There's no point in sticking my neb in things around here.

He held to that policy of godlike detachment right up to the moment when the gates closed behind him. It was then that he saw five Vipers squatted in the small, unsheltered bay in front of the tradesman's entrance. One of them was the dimpled girl Ayasha he had flirted with the day the Camelguts joined the Vipers.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded, scowling.

She got up and came over, smiling to show her dimples. "Pahan Briar, you certainly get about." She lifted her skirt above her knee, showing him a round, tanned and ruddy leg free of blemishes. "See what good work you do?"

Briar looked – she had very pretty legs, particularly without sores from scratched flea bites – but his heart wasn't in it. He also didn't like the silver ring and garnet in her nose. Did that mean she was expendable to the Vipers, like Douna?

"Why are you here?" he asked again. "This isn't Viper ground."

Ayasha shrugged. "She sent for us and we came, wagging our tails like good puppies. Will you be here for the Festival of First Rains? It's at the next full moon, and I haven't got a partner for the dancing."

Briar didn't hear her invitation. The knowledge that the lady had summoned the Vipers in broad daylight – and they had come – burned him like acid. Would she step in if they were picked up by the Watch? Would she care if any of them rotted in the prisons of Justice Rock for being in a part of town where gangs were not welcome?

Fury raced through Briar's veins. He dismounted, wrapping the horse's reins in one hand. The donkey, its lead rein tied to the horse, grumbled and dropped a pancake of dung on the dirt before the lady's gate. The horse did the same.

Briar glared at the Vipers. "What kind of gang are you?" he demanded. Ayasha sighed and went to sit with the others. Briar paid her no attention as he went on, "You come in daylight and sit on your heels out here like so many tame dogs. How stupid can you be? It's folk like her that keep folk like us poor. She – "

"Folk like us?” repeated the short, black-skinned youth Briar had seen before. "What do you know of being poor? Who are you to talk to us of gangs?"

"I spent ten years in Deadman's District in Hajra," Briar said tightly. "Six of them in a gang, the Lightnings. I fought rats for bread and stole to keep the Thief-Lord from whipping the skin off my back. Once I had a chance to get out, I took it. All I have, I earned. I didn't get it waiting for the scraps from a takameri's table! She's the enemy, her and all the nobles like her – "

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