Street Magic - By Tamora Pierce Page 0,39

as the stone mages who fought my lord's command for them to leave Chammur." Seeing that Briar had blinked when he'd mentioned Evvy's family, Jebilu broadened his smile. "If she had family and a proper place in the world she would not fear the palace. Neither would she rely on an eknub mage to present her case. Stone mages are a dav a bushel," he continued. "She will find one sooner or later. After she leaves town, of course. She mustn't stay and endanger my work."

Briar was furious on several levels. Later, when he'd calmed down, he would be the first to admit he was vexed partly because the man hadn't rolled onto his back like a defeated dog at the sight of the medallion. There was more to his anger than hurt pride, though. The thought that someone might drive away all potential rivals offended his sense of right and wrong. Rosethorn and Dedicate Crane had spent their adult lives in competition, but neither had made the other leave Winding Circle. Frostpine's apprentice Kirel had always envied Daja's magic, but he'd never even asked Frostpine to keep Daja away. Mages worked together or separately, but all had a right to work.

Worst of all was Jebilu's dismissal of Evvy. The girl could be maddening, contrary, and rude, but she was a human being, with her own heart, mind, and power. It was as if Jebilu had said that no matter what she had, she would never count, simply because she was a poor orphan. He didn't care that she survived a crueler world than that of this pretty citadel with its perfumed air and silk rugs. She deserved a chance to work her way out of poverty, as Briar had. Who was this pampered lapdog of a man to dismiss her?

About to inform Jebilu that in fact there was a representative of both Lightsbridge and Winding Circle in town, Briar stopped himself. I could argue this kaq around, he thought, using an extremely rude Trader word for someone valueless. He could do it, but he knew he would be upset and unsettled for the rest of the day. That wouldn't be any good for his trees, and he had to get them ready for market in the morning.

I could do all that, he thought. Or I could give him to Rosethorn. It would cheer her up to give this sniveler what for, and she could use cheering up.

He grinned, showing all of his teeth. "I wish you would reconsider," he suggested, his mild tone belying his grin. "If a member of one of those councils knew of this, you could find yourself in trouble."

Jebilu's face twitched as he thought quickly; Briar wondered what was going through that selfish brain. "Here." The older mage searched through his robes until he found a purse in his sash. Opening it, he counted out coins: three gold chams. "I am not heartless. This will pay for her to go to Winding Circle and to cover her fees for a year or two. If she spends it carefully she may even get a wardrobe out of it – No," he interrupted himself, "people like that simply have no notion of economy." He inspected his purse, and added a silver cham to the gold ones. "She must not come back to me if she spends this without going to Winding Circle," he told Briar, holding up a warning forefinger. "My good nature may be imposed upon once, but not twice. If she spends it on drugs, or fancy clothes, or drink, she will get no more. So." He tucked the purse away and crossed his hands over the bulge of his stomach. "I have been more than fair, I think."

Briar was breathless with rage. That this festering slug would judge a girl he'd not so much as glimpsed in the street… Briar's magic surged against four years' worth barriers and controls, begging for him to loosen his grip presenting him with images of this man as plant food or a trellis with big-thorned roses twining around his flesh. The vines in his hands rippled and twisted, looking for an exit The trees and flowers in the garden just outside begged to come in and swamp whoever had hurt their friend.

When the servant rapped on the door and opened it, Briar's concentration snapped. Give him to Rosethorn, he ordered himself. She needs a blow up worse than you. He slammed a lid on his power before it Copyright 2016 - 2024