Strategic Maneuvers - Jemma Westbrook Page 0,77

and handed it to her just as another person came into the small lobby. Mona kept her eyes on Pierce, which meant she was only able to see a little of the man as he walked up to take his place behind them.

He was big. Just as tall as Zeke, but definitely older. His short beard was peppered with grey.

Unfortunately that was all she could really make out since turning to get a better look wasn’t an option.

“Here you go.” The man slapped a key on the counter, immediately turning his attention to the man behind them. “Next.”

Mona snagged the key. The number 67 was written on it in black sharpie.

Pierce pulled her close and started walking to the line of boxes. “Relax, Love. Everything’s okay.”

“Whatever.” She went to the middle of the bank of metal doors, working her way to the right as the numbers went higher, stopping at the row containing box sixty-seven. She shoved the key in the lock and twisted, pulling the small door open.

She’d expected it to maybe be empty. Possibly contain a final envelope Chandler wasn’t able to retrieve before his timely demise.

Instead it was completely full. A single taped box took up every bit of the small space.

Before she could reach for it, Pierce pulled the box free and snapped the door closed, twisting the lock back in place before turning and dragging her toward the door. As they walked by the large man who’d been in line behind them, Pierce passed off the box and kept going, moving faster with each passing second. By the time they went through the door he was almost at a run.

A van screeched to a stop just outside. The back door opened and two men jumped out and came running right at them.

Pierce tossed his keys at them as he continued running, hauling her along with him.

One of the men who jumped out was at her side. “Up and in.”

Mona turned to Zeke just as he grabbed her and hefted her into the back of the van where another man was waiting to grab her and pull her in. Pierce jumped in behind her and the van started to move, doors still open as they raced out of the lot.

“What just happened?” Mona stared out the open doors as the man from the post office ran through the doors, ripping off his coat and the protective vest under it. He shoved the small box into the vest and threw it toward the empty lot next to the post office.

The explosion was barely audible over the roar of the engine as they raced away.

Zeke yanked the doors closed.

“Wait.” Mona turned to Pierce. “What about him?” She pointed to the now-closed doors.

“Henry and Cade will come back in the SUV we took.” Pierce glanced at Zeke. “Did anyone see him?”

“Nothing.” Zeke’s eyes went to one side, narrowing for a second before he turned toward the front. “Cade and Henry are moving.”

“I’m not slowing down so they better move fast.” Rico flew through a red light as they raced through town.

Mona fell against the side of the van. “He fucking tried to blow me up.”

Zeke held his hands out. “You are the most confusing damn woman I’ve ever met.”

Mona glared at him. “Then you haven’t been paying attention.”

“I pay attention.” Zeke sounded a little defensive.

“Seems like you don’t.” She wanted to spar with someone. Take out the emotions clawing their way across her skin.

That mother fucker tried to explode her.

She turned to the man beside her. “Why aren’t we going to go find him? We should blow all his shit up.”

The man’s brows lifted a little.

“Stop scaring the new guys.” Zeke pointed at Mona. “They aren’t used to you and your friends’ bullshit.”

“Bull—“ Mona stood up. “I’ll smack you again and then I’ll let Heidi make you a dating profile that says you have a granny kink.” She lifted a brow. “And I’ll give them your real number.”

The sound of laughing carried through the speaker on the dashboard.

“Wicked.” Pierce sat across from her smiling.

A bump in the road sent her sailing, arms out as she tried to find something to stop her fall.

“Damn it.” Zeke grabbed her, managing to roll her Pierce’s way. “Thank God we didn’t give her a gun.”

She landed on Pierce’s lap just as they crossed through the open gate and back onto Alaskan Security property. He smiled down at her. “Did you enjoy your trip, Love?”


“I FOUND HIM.” Harlow spun to face the screens at Copyright 2016 - 2024