Strangely Normal - By Tess Oliver Page 0,6

mean, Mom’s right. I’d be in a strange house with people I don’t know.”

“Where exactly do they live?” Mom asked.

“Beverly Hills, of course,” Dad said. “I’ve driven by his estate. It’s outrageous.”

Mom and I looked at him with raised brows.

“What?” he said. “So I’ve driven by a few times. I was just curious.”

I sat forward with wide eyes. “Oh my God, you’ve been stalking Nicky King.”

“Driving by is not stalking.”

“Yes, Jack, it sort of is.”

“I remember the time when he settled down to marry . . . a few times. And I know he had kids.” Dad rubbed the stubble on his chin in thought. “I think there was a tragedy too. One of his kids died really young. Can’t remember the details.” Dad bounced back to the present. “So what do you think, Edie? Are you going to take the job?”

“I guess Beverly Hills isn’t too far. I could take the bus home on the weekends. I think I’ll call Mrs. Vickers tomorrow and find out a few more details.”

Dad slammed his hand on the table enthusiastically. “Good idea.”


“Hello, Mrs. Vickers, it’s Eden Saxon.”

Dad pulled up a chair at the table to listen in on the conversation but I waved him away.

“Eden, I’m so glad you called. I was hoping you would.” Silent pause. “How are you feeling?” she asked sympathetically as if I’d left the school in an ambulance rather than on suspension.

“I’m fine. I was wondering about that job working for your cousin.”

“Yes, of course. I think it would be a great situation for both you and my niece. A month ago, my cousin, Nicky, asked if I knew of a girl who might be a fitting summer companion for his daughter, Finley. I drew up a list of names, and I must say, you were on the top of that list. The job pays three thousand a month plus all expenses for room and board.”

“Three thousand a month?” The words nearly stuck in my throat. Mom and Dad both pulled up chairs to listen.

“I figured that would be a nice start for a college fund. I feel I really let you down, Eden, by building up your hopes for scholarships. I truly believe you deserved them.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Vickers. Well, I’ve given it some thought and I think I would like to take the job. If Finley likes me, that is.”

“Of course, she will, but there will be a one week trial, which you’ll be paid for, and then if things work out you can stay the summer. I’ll call my cousin today. He’s leaving to London tonight, but he’ll be glad I’ve found someone. I’ll call Finley and let her know you’ll be there— Saturday?”

“Saturday is fine, but I’m not sure how I’ll get there.”

“I’ll drive you,” Dad said quickly.

I covered the mouth piece. “Nicky won’t be there.”

“What’s that?” Mrs. Vickers asked.

“Oh, nothing. Just let me know the address and time and I’ll be there.”

“Great. I’d drive you myself,” Mrs. Vickers said, “but my kids have soccer. I could have them send a car around to pick you up.”

“No, don’t send them here,” I blurted louder than necessary. “I’ll get a ride from my dad.”

“Terrific. And Eden—” She paused. “I’m glad I was able to help. I’ve been feeling really badly about the whole incident, but I simply had no choice but to tell the principal.”

“I know, and thanks for considering me for this job.”


Our family had exactly one duffle bag, and the zipper was broken so I had to fasten it together with ducky safety pins leftover from Janie’s diaper days. But what was worse than the broken duffle was the stark realization that I had very little to put in it. I had my three pairs of favorite jeans, each more faded and tattered than the next. I had two pairs of shorts and some t-shirts and tank tops, purchased mostly at yard sales. Mom had splurged on a new pair of pajamas, and I tucked those in last because they were the newest and nicest thing in the bag.

Janie and Sophie watched with round eyes as I finished packing. “Will you be back tonight, Edie?” Sophie asked looking extra cute and pouty.

“Only if things don’t work out.”

Her eyes teared up, and I reached over and threw my arms around both of them. “But I’ll take the bus home on weekends and I’ll bring you toys when I come.”

“I want a doll,” Janie mumbled around the thumb in her mouth.

“A doll it is. Copyright 2016 - 2024