Strangely Normal - By Tess Oliver Page 0,57

bed. “I hate family meetings. Dad and Jude spend the whole time grumbling at each other and nothing ever gets accomplished. But I think Jude is going to have to head back to construction work until he decides what to” she held up air quotes, “do with his life”.

“He wants to be a painter,” I said.

“I know. Poor guy.” She dismissed his dream rather callously. It was the first time I’d felt some anger toward her. “He rode off on his bike after the meeting.”

“He did?” I was certain my disappointment was evident, but Finley didn’t take notice.

“Anyhow, Dad was extremely pissed about my tattoo because now I have a pig on my shoulder, but I pouted and he got over it.”

Her dad was much more pliant when it came to her wishes than to Jude’s.

“Dad’s agent, Ray, ordered some food to be delivered, and Dad has invited a few people over, which in his world means at least a dozen and most will be women. We could hang out with them if you want.”

“I thought your dad was supposed to rest.”

“Believe me, for him, that is rest.”

“I’m hungry but I think then I’ll turn in early. I figured since your dad is home, I’d go see my parents tomorrow.”

“You should definitely see them before they leave. Dad’s driver can take you in the limo.”

“No really, Finley, I’d feel silly pulling up to our apartment house in a limo. Besides, I like riding the bus. I’ll have a taxi pick me up here and take me to the bus stop. I’d walk but I’m fairly confident I’d get lost.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“Well, all right.” She hopped off the bed. “You’re coming back though, right?”

“I was planning on it. Do you want me to?”

“Absolutely. I think the food’s here. I’m starved and they ordered some vegetarian lasagna.”

I plodded behind her, upset at myself for being completely distraught that Jude had left. It was stupid to think he would hang around just because of me. He’d been trapped here for months, and I’m sure he had friends he hadn’t seen for a long time. And, no doubt, some of them were girls, and that thought left me even more distraught.

There were a lot of voices coming from the pool area and the music was blasting. Trays of hot food were spread out across the kitchen counter. Nicky King was standing in the kitchen pouring beer into a glass. “Hey girls, help yourselves. Lots of food.” He looked across to the couch. “Cole, do you want a beer?”

Cole was sitting on the couch with his head turned to the side as he checked out a nude centerfold.

His dad leaned forward and squinted at the picture. “I think I know that girl,” he said.

Cole grunted in disgust and threw the magazine onto the coffee table. “Well, that just took the gloss off Miss June. Thanks, Dad, I will take that beer.”

Finley handed me a plate, and I scooped up some lasagna but discovered my appetite had shrunk with the news of Jude’s departure.

“So, Eden, Finley tells me your dad is a fan of Black Thunder.” Even after talking to him several times throughout the day, having the man address me directly still churned up a case of nerves. It took me a moment to answer.

“The word fan might not capture the true scope of his admiration. In fact, I would go so far as to say he worships Black Thunder. When I was little and couldn’t sleep, instead of a lullaby, he sang Angel Tears.”

His laughter echoed off the kitchen walls. “I haven’t met him, but I like him already. We’ll have to get together some day.”

“As I told Finley, that would be great but it will require tranquilizers.”

He laughed again. “No wonder you like her so much, Finley. You girls should join us at the pool when you’re done eating.” With that, he picked up his beer, tossed a can to Cole, and headed outside. He took a certain amount of kinetic energy with him when he left the room.

Finley and I sat alone at the counter. “Where’s Some Pig?’

She sprinkled some cheese on her lasagna and handed me the packet. “He hates big crowds. I fed him upstairs so he could go to sleep early.”

“Sleeping early sounds like a plan,” I said. I badly wanted to ask her if she knew where Jude might have gone or if she thought he would be meeting someone. And even though I’d felt I could Copyright 2016 - 2024