Strangely Normal - By Tess Oliver Page 0,51

run, small steps will help her cope enough to avoid any big melt down.”

He lowered his arm around my shoulder and led me out from beneath the tree. “Let’s hope so, Eden.”


The ride back home was equally awesome. I had not just imagined the thrill all these years, riding on a motorcycle was fun. Jude pulled my arms tighter around him and then sped up as we climbed the impossibly long driveway to the house. He stopped the bike out front and was helping me remove my helmet when the front door opened.

Cole was standing in the doorway holding his phone. Just like the night before, when he’d knocked on the pool house door, his face showed that something was definitely not right. “How come you didn’t answer your phone?”

Jude pointed to his bike. “Can’t really answer a phone on that thing.” He looked past Cole into the entryway, and I felt his body tense next to me. “What’s wrong? Where’s Finley?”

Cole looked back and stepped outside. “She’s inside. Ray called. Dad collapsed during rehearsal. They’re taking him to the hospital. It might have been a heart attack.”

“Shit.” Jude stormed up the steps and flew into the house.

I followed behind Cole. Jude had Finley in his arms before Cole and I had reached the room. She was crying hysterically and gasping for breath. “Purse your lips together and breathe, Fin.” He rubbed her back, but she was crying too hard to control her mouth or her breathing. “Shhh, breathe. Dad’ll be fine.”

I grabbed a clean dish towel and wet it with cold water. I handed it to Jude and he pressed it against her forehead. Her face was bright red, and she looked close to puking.

I leaned my face close to hers. “Finley,” I said quietly, “think about your breathing. Breathe through your nose slowly.”

A few tense moments passed, and Finley started to relax. She was weak and barely able to stand, but her breathing had slowed and she was no longer gasping for air.

“Ray is going to call as soon as they know something,” Cole said. “They were just finishing up with rehearsal and then Dad went pale and dropped to his knees.”

Finley pushed her face against Jude.

“Cole, hold off on the updates until she’s calmer,” Jude said.

Finley pushed off his chest and shook her head. “No, I’m fine. I’m not a little kid.” Her eyes were swollen and red as she looked at Cole. “Was he in pain?” Her voice was small and faint.

“I don’t know. Ray didn’t really say much more except that an ambulance was taking him to a hospital in Berlin.”

Jude led his sister to the couch, and her very concerned pig sat next to her feet. She patted his head with a shaky hand.

I wasn’t completely sure what to do. It was definitely an intimate family moment, and for the first time, I felt like an outsider. Finley looked miserable, so I did what my friendship instincts told me to do. I sat next to her and didn’t say a word. There was nothing for me to say at the moment since there was little information to go on. All I knew to do was to sit there in case she needed me. One thing was certain, her brother Jude was the person she turned to when things were really bad. And he knew exactly how to comfort her when she was distraught.

At first, Finley had her arms wrapped around herself as if she wanted to tuck herself into a tight ball and fade into the couch. I felt unnecessary and out of place and like a paid companion who had no real purpose except to keep her from being bored while housebound. That grim realization weighed heavily on my chest. Then without warning, Finley reached over and wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her to me and we both cried. Not wanting to be left out, Some Pig pushed his snout between us and snorted softly.

Major sob session completed, Finley and I sat back and she rested her head against my shoulder.

“Does your dad have heart problems or any health problems that you know of?” I asked. A man like Nicky King had to have the best doctors and health care coverage.

“No, nothing,” Finley said weakly. “He even has low cholesterol for a man whose favorite breakfast is steak and eggs.”

“He sounds low risk for a heart attack,” I said. My future dreams had always been medicine and as a result Copyright 2016 - 2024