Strangely Normal - By Tess Oliver Page 0,38

her a lifetime.”

“I feel like I’ve known her a lifetime. Hey, she mentioned you were pissed at Cole for inviting someone you didn’t want to see. Was that sleazebag, Mike, the guy?”

He shook his head. “Nope. That was a different sleazebag. Although after tonight, Mike’s definitely the king of sleaze. The other guy didn’t show. I think Cole told him not to come after my subtle warning.”

I laughed. “Was it anything like the subtle warning you gave Mike? I thought he was going to pee his pants. It would have been so great if he had. Who was this guy that you disinvited?”

“He’s the reason I’m wearing this thing.” He held up his ankle. “His cocaine, my freedom. I got pulled over in my car for speeding, and the fool dropped it between the seats. But my sentence is almost done now.”

“Then I guess you’ll be leaving soon?”

“Did Fin tell you that?” The green in his eyes moved from light gray to green depending on the light.

“She mentioned you’d be out of here once they took it off.”

He nodded and pushed up from the bed. He stared down at me and the electricity I’d felt when he sat near me only intensified. “So you’ve never lost your head over a guy?”

The way he looked at me had knocked the breath from me, and it took me a moment to find the air to speak. “Nope, never.”

His mouth turned up on one side. “Maybe you just haven’t met the right guy yet.” He walked to the door, opened it, and looked back. “I guess we can call the bet a draw since unforeseen circumstances got in the way.”

“No, you won fair and square. But I have to warn you, I’m a boring subject for a painting.”

“Trust me, Valley, you’re anything but boring.” He shut the door behind him.


I sat in bed reading, waiting for Finley to wake up. I could still hear voices downstairs as if people were just sobering up enough to leave. Her knock came earlier than I’d expected.

She raced across the floor and jumped into my bed reminding me of my little sisters. “So much fun last night.” She flopped back and brought her hands to her heart. “He’s just as awesome as ever.” She sprang up to sit. When she was excited about something, she tended to move quickly and without warning like a hummingbird. “I hope you weren’t too bored. I didn’t see you much.” She grabbed my hand and her eyes went wide. “Supposedly Jude had to come to some girl’s rescue last night in the garden. The guy he kicked out is a real jerk. Everyone was happy to see him go. Did you see any of it?” she asked.

“No. I got hit with a nasty headache, so I turned in early.”

“Your eyes do look a little swollen. How are you feeling this morning?”

“I’m feeling a lot better, thanks.”

She slid off the bed. “Well, Becky will be here in an hour to do our tattoos, so I’ll meet you down in the kitchen.” She skittered across the floor like an excited little kid. It was fun to see her so happy, but there was always that unnerving feeling that her mood could change instantly. “Jude drew me the cutest picture of Some Pig. I can’t wait to have Becky put it on my shoulder.” She flew out of the room.

Several pairs of unfamiliar bloodshot eyes peered up over the back of the couch when I stepped into the kitchen. They didn’t look terribly pleased with the clamor Finley was making. It was obvious she was being extra noisy on purpose. Even Some Pig seemed to be snorting in his food with extra loud zeal.

“Eggs all right?” she asked.


“Maybe we should add some onions and anchovies,” she said loudly in the direction of the couch. Groans of nausea followed the lingering party guests out of the room. “Ta ta and don’t let the door hit you on your sorry ass on the way out.”

“Uh, you were just kidding about the onions and anchovies, right?”

“Heck yeah. That would be gross even without a hangover.”

We sat to eat, but Finley just picked through the eggs and daydreamed with starry eyes.

I picked up a forkful. “You look like you’re stuck in fairy tale land.”

“I am. He’s just as funny and dreamy as ever,” she said. “And I’m pretty sure he likes me too.”

“Pretty sure? You two sat and talked together as if you were completely alone. An Copyright 2016 - 2024