Strangely Normal - By Tess Oliver Page 0,22


I swam over to them but had no intention of rising out of the water in my unsightly bathing suit. I grasped the cement edge. “It’s funny now, but I definitely didn’t think so at the time. And your aunt wasn’t exactly chortling with mirth either.”

Finley burst out laughing, and I was glad to see that the earlier issue was seemingly forgotten.

Voices floated up the pathway, and I glanced back over my shoulder. Jude was walking toward the pool house with a woman, but it was definitely not the same woman as the day before. Apparently, he liked variety. And, for some reason, that thought angered me. Our brief but harsh conversation had replayed in my mind throughout the night, but I wasn’t completely sure what’d bothered me most— the fact that he didn’t think I would be able to handle this job or the fact that he thought I was just a shallow, mooching valley girl looking for easy summer money.

The lady at his side kept talking, but it became clear that Jude had lost interest in the conversation. Even from the distance, his pale, unflinching gaze was riveted to the scene in the pool. And, as usual, he did not look pleased.

He vanished inside with the woman. Finley and Cole hadn’t seemed to notice his disapproving scowl, or maybe they were just so used to seeing it, they didn’t care.

“So, Fin, I’m having a little party here tomorrow night, and I definitely think you and your extraordinarily hot friend should attend.”

“I don’t know, Cole. I think we’ll be busy painting our toenails or something. And by the way—” Finley nodded toward the pool house, “does the emperor know about this party?”

“I haven’t told him yet. And so what if he gets pissed? I cleared it with Dad. You know Jude is just waiting until his time is up and then he’s out of here. I asked him if he was going to come back to work with me, but he doesn’t want to. Says he has better things to do.”

“He’s been cooped up for a long time. Can’t really blame him,” Finley said with her usual habit of coming to Jude’s rescue.

“What kind of work do you do?” I asked.

“My dad owns a construction company and I’m the foreman.”

And that’s when it struck me. His smile was familiar because I’d been on the receiving end of it. “Kingston Construction?”

“Yeah, how’d you know?”

I shrugged. “Just a guess. I’ve seen the sign before and thought because of the name, it might be your father’s company.” There was no way I was going to mention that the shabby, rundown apartment building next to his work site was my humble home.

“Good guess. Kingston is our real name. Anyhow, you need to convince my sister to bring you down to the party tomorrow night.”

Finley leaned back on her hands and turned her face to the sky. “His friends are all jerks.”

Cole looked back at her over his shoulder. “Oh, I guess I forgot to mention that Max is back from New York.”

Finley sat up quickly. “When did he get back?” She made a pathetic attempt to sound nonchalant. It didn’t take a genius to see that she had a thing for this guy, Max.

“Last week. And he’ll be here tomorrow night.”

She leaned back again and lifted her face again. “Good for him. What do I care if Max is back?”

Cole grinned down at me.

“And don’t flash that cocky grin at my friend,” Finley said without ever opening her eyes.

“How the hell did you know I was grinning at her?”

“I can hear the black stubble on your face grinding as your cheeks move. Plus, you are totally predictable.”

“Okay, now my interest is piqued. I have to go to the party to see this guy, Max,” I said.

“He’s a jerk like the rest of them,” Finley sighed. She sat up. “But I guess we could make an appearance.”

A door slammed on the pool house, and I peeked in that direction. Jude walked outside and sat on a chair in front of it. He was wearing black sunglasses, but it was obvious that he was staring our direction. He lit a cigarette and took a long slow drag as he watched the pool action or, in this case, inaction. The girl who’d walked inside with him did not join him. This time his presence attracted his siblings’ attention.

“What are you doing?” Finley called.

“She’s getting ready, and I needed a smoke. Any other questions?”

His answer made me Copyright 2016 - 2024