A Story of God and All of Us - By Roma Downey Page 0,126

out and takes hold of the hands of the two disciples sitting on either side of him. "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name..."

John and the others pick up the words, and all join hands. "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

Thomas can't help himself. In the midst of the prayer he doubts their safety, and opens his eyes to peer out into the streets for signs of approaching Romans. Seeing none, he returns to his prayer. "Give us today our daily bread..."

The lamps in the room flicker and smoke as the prayer continues. The room grows suddenly dark. The wind outside rises and the sound fills the room.

Shutters bang open. Scared but unbowed, the disciples continue praying.

Tongues of fire enter the room and settle upon each apostle. The Holy Spirit fills them. Soon each of them is praying in different languages, even though none of them have ever understood those tongues before. In this way, they are being prepared to go out unto all nations and preach the Word of God.

Their prayers and their foreign words now miraculously reach out across the city. People can hear the apostles, even though they cannot see them. In Jesus' final days he had promised to pour out his spirit


on all the people of the world, and now it is taking place. The prayers of the disciples are heard and understood by all the people gathering for the festival--Israelite and foreign ears alike, drawing these people to the Word of God.

The wind howls across Jerusalem. Even a Roman soldier understands the simple phrase now ringing in the ears of every man, woman, and child in Jerusalem: "Everyone who calls on the Lord will be saved."

Caiaphas stops and looks up, then pulls his shawl around him and enters the Temple.

Even as the disciples continue their unlikely prayer, a commotion can be heard in the streets outside their upper room. Crowds are gathering, though they are not sure what is drawing them to this place.

"We'l be discovered," laments a panicked Thomas.

"No. This is good," says Mary Magdalene. "The people must feel the same spirit that we do. The Holy Spirit is drawing them near."

Peter stands. "We must speak with them, and let them know that this is a sign from God."

Empowered and renewed, the disciples march down the stairs and open the door. They scan the crowd for signs of Romans or Pharisees or Temple guards. "People of Israel," says Peter, with a sense of poise and command that surprises all of the disciples. Peter has been radically changed by God's saving grace.

"God promised King David that one of his descendants would be placed upon his throne. A man whose flesh could not be corrupted. Now God has raised Jesus to life. Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah. He is the Christ.

Come join us!"

John chimes in. "Join us!"

The crowd roars their approval, chanting, "Jesus is the Lord." They clamor for Peter's blessing, reaching out to touch him. But the upheaval does not go unnoticed. Within moments, a Roman centurion hovers on the edge of the



"We're taking our chances here," John whispers to Peter.

"Jesus risked his life every day," responds Peter.

More Romans arrive. Their hands hover over their swords. The crowd presses in more tightly around the apostles, on the verge of turning rabid.

"We cannot spread the Word if we are dead," John reminds Peter.

He's right, and Peter knows it. With a nod, he guides the disciples away down a narrow side street.

It is morning in Jerusalem, and yet another of the city's many beggars begins his day. The man's legs will not support him, so he uses his arms to drag himself to his usual sport. His knuckles are calloused and his skin filthy from years of the same ritual--dragging and then squatting, his body all too often coated in the grit and dust of a busy city going about its day.

A stranger drops a coin into his hand. The beggar nods in thanks, but does not make eye contact.

Peter approaches. The beggar does not know him and holds out his hand, palm up. Peter stops and crouches down. The beggar looks at him with curious eyes, as if some great evil will befall him next. Peter has been trailed at a distance by a small crowd of new believers, and they edge closer, eager to see if Peter will do what they hope he will do. Peter and the beggar lock eyes. "I don't

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