A Story of God and All of Us - By Roma Downey Page 0,113

happen. The law says that a man must be tried in the light of day, yet Caiaphas clearly wants to condemn Jesus this very night.

"Judas is bringing him to us before dawn," says Caiaphas.

"But the law does not allow it," insists Nicodemus. "A trial must be held in daylight!"

"And does our law allow riots? Does our law invite Romans to spill Jewish blood? You were there. You heard what Pilate said."

Judas bursts into the room.

"Where is he?" Caiaphas asks.

"I don't know." Caiaphas fixes a stare on him, and he admits, "But I do know where he is going."

Caiaphas points to Malchus. "Lead my servant to him."

As Malchus leads Judas from the room, Nicodemus confronts Caiaphas.

"Why would he come here?"

"Oh, he will come, Nicodemus. One way or another, he will stand before me tonight and account for his lies and acts of rebellion."

Torchlight flickers on Judas's face as Malchus, Caiaphas's servant, and ten men armed with clubs and swords walk with Judas. Judas is in way over his head, but even if he had doubts, it's far too late for that. The rogue disciple has no choice but to lead them to Jesus. He is on his way to Gethsemane.


"Where are we going?" asks Malchus.

"The garden," Judas says glumly. "We're going to the garden."

The Garden of Gethsemane is deserted, save for Jesus and his disciples, who knows the time to leave his disciples, and this world, is fast approaching. He has spent the last hour in fervent prayer, but if the disciples are anxious about Jesus, they have an odd way of showing it--curled up on the ground, fast asleep.

"The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. Wake up," Jesus demands after observing them for a moment. He needs them to bear witness. "Stay awake.

The hour is at hand."

Peter has tucked a long dagger into his belt. He double-checks to make sure it is there, making quiet plans to put it to good use should anyone attack Jesus.

Jesus leaves them, walking slowly back up the hill, once again to be alone with his Father. He knows Judas is almost here, leading a group of men who will arrest him by force. To endure what is about to take place, Jesus needs strength. As he arrives atop the hill, he immediately falls to his knees in prayer, presses his forehead into the dusty ground, clasps his hands together, and prays: "Father, if You are willing, take this cup from me. Yet not my will, but Yours be done." He is beset by confusion because he is both human and divine. Sweat falls from his brow as if it were great drops of blood pooling in the dirt. He is wracked with human fear of the horrific beatings and great pain he will soon experience. He will die a human death and after three days, his body--the Temple--will be raised from the dead, so that all humankind can be saved from the penalty of death. The divine Jesus knows, but the human Jesus questions and fears. Those three days seem so far away. The earthly Jesus pleads for God to spare him the suffering and death, a form of temptation, similar to when Satan tempted him in the desert three years ago. Indeed, Satan now lurks in the garden, watching Jesus cling to the hope that his life might be spared.


Jesus hears the sound of an approaching mob. Their torches light the base of the hill, and their manic voices cut through the night. Jesus' head is still bowed, as he now prays for the strength to carry out God's plan. Sweat continues to fall. Now that God's will is confirmed, resolve washes over him.

Not peace, for what he is about to endure cannot bring the gentle calm of peace, just resolve. "Your will, Father, is mine."

Jesus rises from his knees and stands alone in the grove of olive trees. His disciples suddenly burst over the rise and surround him protectively. A line of torches looms in the darkness, marching steadily toward Jesus.

"The time has come," Jesus says to everyone and no one.

Judas steps forth and kneels down behind Jesus, as if in prayer. Then he leans in and kisses Jesus on the cheek.

Jesus does not feel anger or contempt. He tells Judas, "Judas, you betray the son of man with a kiss?" Jesus understands that Judas's role is necessary for God's plan to be fulfilled.

A furious Peter draws his dagger and races toward Judas, who tries in vain to escape. Peter

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