Storming Whitehorn - By Christine Scott Page 0,4

as she called, “Please wait. I’d like to talk to you.”

A heavy hand of frustration pressed against his shoulders, slowing his pace. Though he was only a few steps from a clean getaway, he couldn’t find the strength to abandon her. He chided himself for being so weak-willed and wondered what it was about this woman that, when she was near, made him lose all sense of judgment.

Wheeling to face her, he didn’t bother to hide his annoyance. “Ms. Monroe, I’m very busy. I don’t have time—”

“This won’t take long,” she assured him. Her cheeks were flushed from exertion. Her chest rose as she took in a steadying breath. “I—I just wanted to thank you.”

He raised a brow in disbelief. “You want to thank me?”

She nodded. “That, and to apologize.”

He didn’t respond. Instead he waited for her to continue, purposefully schooling his face to be void of expression, uncertain whether to trust her unexpected change of heart.

“Earlier I jumped to the wrong conclusion. When you brought my mother home, she looked so weak and helpless, I—I was shocked. I said the first thing that popped into my mind. I accused you of hurting her, without knowing the facts. For that I’m truly sorry. Please don’t think that I would judge you, or anyone else, for that matter, solely on the color of their skin. Because it just isn’t true.”

He believed her.

During her plea for understanding, Jasmine had looked him straight in the eye. Her gaze had never wavered, not once. Either she was the coolest liar he’d ever met, or she was telling the truth.

He’d bet the house on the latter.

Grudgingly he asked, “Your mother, is she all right?”

“She’s fine,” she said, striving for a light hearted tone, and failed. Blushing, she gave a self-deprecating smile and added, “Or at least she will be, now that she’s home. Thank you, once again, for taking care of her.”

Then, with the impetuousness of the young, she reached out and enfolded him in an innocent hug of gratitude.

While he told himself the gesture was probably not unusual for this woman who seemed so open with her own feelings, he wasn’t prepared for such a free-spirited reaction. To his chagrin, his body reacted in a most uncordial manner.

With her soft curves pressed against him, he felt himself harden in response. His hands caught her waist with the intention of pushing her away. Instead he found himself pulling her closer.

As though she sensed a shift in the mood, Jasmine pulled back. With her hands still linked behind his neck, she lifted her eyes to his. A slight frown wrinkled her brow. Her look was not one of alarm, but rather of curiosity.

Her face was turned upward to his. Her lips, so soft and full and inviting, proved too much of a temptation. Once again, he lost his battle with will-power.

Knowing full well all the reasons why he shouldn’t be doing this, Storm was unable to stop himself. Slowly, his eyes never leaving her face, he lowered his head and brushed his lips against hers.

He heard the quick inhalation of her breath, felt the rise and fall of her breasts against his chest, and waited for her to resist. But she didn’t. Instead she leaned forward, tilted her head in a more accommodating position and silently encouraged him to deepen the kiss.

Logic and reason escaping him, he brushed his tongue against her lips and felt them open to him. Gently he explored the moist heat of her mouth, savoring its sweet taste.

Closing her eyes, she collapsed against him, letting her softness mold his body. She clung to him, burying her fingers in the hair at the back of his neck, bringing a delicious shiver coursing down his spine.

A low moan of desire escaped his throat as he tightened his grip on her waist and let the kiss deepen. Storm had never felt this way before, this recklessness, this intense yearning for more. Proof was in the fire in his belly, as well as in his heart. This was different. Jasmine was different. After a lifetime of loneliness, it had taken him only a moment to realize what had been missing.

She was the one.

He had finally found his soul mate.

The unexpected thought came from out of no where, chilling him. Abruptly he ended the kiss. Winded, he sucked in deep drafts of air as he stared down at her flushed face. Her lips were swollen from his caress, and her eyes sparkled with an excitement that he Copyright 2016 - 2024