Stormbreak (Seafire #3) - Natalie C. Parker Page 0,74

attention,” Pisces muttered, pulling Caledonia’s hands out and beginning to wrap her knuckles in lengths of fabric.

“Be ready, Pi.” Caledonia squeezed her hands into fists as Pisces tied off the wraps. “Round two will fall to you and Sledge. Nettle!”

“Yes, Captain.” The girl hurried over, always closer than Caledonia expected her to be.

“As soon as this starts, you’re up.”

“Consider it done,” Nettle chirped, popping up on her toes.

“Shouldn’t I take the first fight?” Sledge asked, eyes on the ever-increasing circle of Bullets.

Caledonia tracked Heron as he moved into the center of the deck. He was older than her by decades. He would inevitably be slower, but there was a reason he stood at Tassos’s side and she was sure that reason would soon become clear.

“I’m in the mood for a little blood,” she said, still watching Heron.

“Moon and tides, Cala.” Sledge said it like a prayer and a curse.

Caledonia only shrugged her shoulders, letting the motion turn into a small stretch. Behind her, Oran watched the whole thing with arms folded over his chest. He hadn’t said a word through all of this, but now he stepped forward until he was so close to her back she could feel the heat of him through the thin fabric of her shirt.

“He’s an old salt,” he said. “He’ll go for force, but he’s faster than you think. Don’t let him pin you.”

They’d barely been alone together in the past day, and the hurt she’d caused him was very near the surface.

“You changing your mind?” Heron called.

“You aren’t so lucky!” Caledonia shouted back, flexing her fists and striding into the ring.

She saw the flash of Nettle’s rainbow-colored hair ties slipping around the ring of Bullets, and then she was gone. All Caledonia had to do now was take her time.

The second she was within range, Heron initiated his attack, charging forward like a beast. Though his fists were raised, he saved his strike for the moment she attempted to spin away. She saw it coming and had just enough time to absorb the blow with her forearms instead of her face. The impact stung against her bones, sending quakes of pain to her elbows and wrists.

It was as bracing as a cold wind and Caledonia relished it.

“Feel like starting for real now?” Heron asked, and though his expression was focused, Caledonia had the impression he was teasing her.

“Do you?” she challenged.

Heron responded with his fist. He struck sparingly, but every time he did, his aim was brutal. It was like being attacked by very precise hammers. Every time he dropped his fists it was to strike, which made finding room to retaliate nearly impossible.

But only nearly.

Blood rushed in Caledonia’s veins and her body moved on instinct. She gave herself to this fight, letting all her other senses collect around a single point of focus. She was never so clear-headed as in moments like these, and as she dodged another of Heron’s punishing blows and spun perfectly to deliver a swift knee to his kidney, she found that she’d missed the simplicity of fighting with her own fists instead of a fleet.

It wasn’t until Caledonia’s fist glanced off Heron’s chin that the gathered Bullets crowed their approval.

“Slowing down, old man!” a voice cried.

“Lucky shot, Bale Blossom!” another shouted.

Heron landed a sharp blow to her jaw and Caledonia tasted blood. The bright flavor sent a fresh wave of energy through her, and she grinned viciously, knowing blood coated her teeth and lips.

Laughing, Heron blew her a kiss.

Before Caledonia could retaliate, a sudden commotion spilled onto the deck. Both Caledonia and Heron turned toward the clump forming up by the railing and rushed to find the cause.

Sledge appeared at her side, shoving through the crowd and making room for her to reach the center. What she saw made her cold.

Nettle was on her knees. A Bullet stood behind her, hand fisted in her hair and holding her head firmly back. Blood streamed from her nose and a bruise was already darkening beneath one eye.

“I caught this one prowling around the Fiveson’s quarters!” the Bullet announced. He threw a bag on the ground, spilling ammunition and a slender bottle of amber-colored liquor. “Stealing!”

Caledonia understood that once Nettle knew she’d been discovered she had grabbed the first things of value she could find. Anything to make them think she was stealing and not spying for her captain.

The knowledge twisted in Caledonia’s heart.

“See that orange band? Hands off the girl, Fray.” This came from Cepheus. She and Pisces appeared Copyright 2016 - 2024