Storm Warning - By Kadi Dillon Page 0,16

no business telling you that,” she bit out.

“Maybe not. But he did and now I’m curious.”

“Take your curiosity and—”

“Why do you chase if you don’t like to? What do you get out of it?

Her eyes were narrowed into slits. He could feel her vibrating beneath him with her fury. The lips he was so fond of were pinched in a grim line. Angry at her for shutting him out, he took her arms and lifted her out of her chair, tearing a small gasp from her. “Why do you do it? What are you trying to accomplish?”


“Don’t what? Don’t ask you personal questions?” He tightened his grip when she began to squirm. “Well, too bad. I’m asking you, Tory. Why?”

“Stop.” She pushed hard against him. He was like a stone—hard and unmoving. Too many emotions were churning her up, was all he could think. He watched her struggle with herself. She wanted to tell him, he knew, and that brought on her panic and desperation.

“Stop what, Tory?” he asked, struggling for calm. His grip loosened but he still held her firm. His thumb made circular motions on her arms. “Stop what?”

Tory brought her gaze to his. She couldn’t understand why he made her feel furious one moment, then comforted the next. She didn’t like what she couldn’t understand.

She shook her head at a loss for words. How could she tell him she felt responsible for her parent’s death? That by seeing the very thing that killed them every year, she was punishing herself for not being able to help them?

It was nobody’s business but hers, after all. She didn’t need anyone to talk to. She was dealing with it, wasn’t she?

“Tory.” His voice was gruff, his eyes were dark. Tory met his stormy gaze again and she saw what would happen next. She watched his dark eyes sharpen. She felt it when his fingers tensed on her arms, but she could never brace herself for the swell of passion that exploded when his lips touched hers.

There was no gentleness, no tenderness. There was a hungry, demanding kiss that stole her breath and had her aching for things she’d never wanted before. She understood how it was to desire and need. But this… This wasn’t as simple as desire, not as basic as need. This was vital.

Her hands shook as they came up to rest on his broad shoulders. She had no recollection of when it happened exactly, but she’d lost herself in his kiss, gave as much as she could, and matched the passionate caress.

His tongue shot out to seek and find all the dark corners of her mouth. His hands slid down and grasped her narrow waist. In a quick movement, he lifted her up and in reflex, she wrapped her legs around him.

Fire, was all she could think of. She was burning up.

She heard herself moan when he took the kiss even deeper than before. One of his arms were hooked around her waist, his other hand framed the side of her face, his fingers teasing the sensitive skin on the nape of her neck. She ran her hands through his silky hair.

If this was passion, she could clearly see why people were paid thousands of dollars to write about it. If this was rage, she wanted to be revel in the fury.

She was vaguely aware of his fingers diving in hair. Almost brutally, he yanked her head back and plundered her throat.

She moaned softly at the pure pleasure of it. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as he continued to caress the side of her neck with hot, open mouthed kisses.

Only when she felt the cold sheets of her bed against her back where her shirt had ridden up did she open her eyes. Reality intruded and interrupted. Letting out a stream of curses, she pushed him off of her and rolled out from under him.

She could hear nothing but the blood rushing through her ears. Everything was throbbing. She touched her swollen lips and stared at Gabe who was sitting on her bed trying to catch his breath. His broad shoulders shook with effort.

“What the hell?” he managed.

“You have to go. That shouldn’t have happened.” She was breathless now as her lungs struggled to keep up with her racing heart.

He was up and crossing the room before she could finish her sentence. Abandoning all pride, she retreated three steps before she collided with the wall.

“Gabe, don’t.” She pushed her hands out to stop him.

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