Storm Warning - By Kadi Dillon Page 0,14

her and she was still fully dressed.

She was talking on her cell phone.

Gabe debated on whether he should leave her alone and go about his business, but the distress in her voice convinced him to step back in the shadows.

“If you would just listen to me,” she pleaded into the phone. “No, no. Well, what did you expect me to do? You hit me first. We had this conversation already. I’m finished.”

She muttered something unintelligible, dropping her feet to the ground in frustration.

“No, Adam doesn’t even know I’m talking to you. Vance, please don’t be like this. You were never serious about us, anyway.”

Gabe clenched his fist and shoved them down in his pockets. How could she be so stupid as to be talking with Vance? She was just asking for trouble. Didn’t the woman have any brains?

“Fine,” she bit out. “No, I won’t be around. This is it for us.” She slammed the phone down on the table and with a muttered curse, placed her head in her hands.

Satisfied that it was over between them, Gabe turned back toward the gas station.

“Were you listening to that?”

Since cursing was pointless, he slowly turned. She stood at the edge of the patio, her arms wrapped around herself. Her hair moved with the wind and her eyes were glistened with unshed tears. With the street light behind her casting pale light over her slim body, she looked like a fallen angel.

“I caught some of it, yeah.” He made his way up the three steps and stopped in front of her. “But I was just on my way to get some coffee.”

She stared at him for a minute, then shrugged. “I have some in my room if you want it.”

Gabe forced a smile, feeling his stomach drop to the floor. He was still a little raw, but how could he pass up a peace offering? His palms itched as he remembered the feel of her shapely legs as he’d carried her over his shoulder. Again, he tucked his hands in his pockets. “Beats hiking half a mile to the gas station, I suppose.”

She didn’t return the smile but walked past him back into the hotel. He followed her in silence and waited while she unlocked her door. When he stepped in, she waited at the door. He turned to look at her and was amazed at what he saw.

Tory stood, holding on to the door and she had her bottom lip caught between her teeth. Not only was it the first nervous gesture he had seen from her, but she was almost smiling.

“It’s on the counter.” She pointed to the small kitchen area of the suite. “I just brewed it before Vance called so it’s fresh.”

Intrigued, he realized he wasn’t quite ready to go back to his lonely room yet. “Mind if I have it in here or are you turning in?”

She hesitated, which also spoke of nerves. Fascinating. “You can have it in here.” She clicked the door shut behind her.

She poured two cups and passed one to him. Gabe took a seat in one of the chairs at the table and Tory settled on the edge of her bed.

“Why were you brewing coffee at one in the morning?” he asked her one she was settled.

“Why were you walking half a mile to go buy some?” Her tone was as dry as the Sahara, but amusement twinkled in her eyes.

“Touche,” he saluted her with his mug. “So I take it you are Vance are—”

“Over,” she clarified. “He was fine with it when we talked earlier, then he just called me out of the blue to bitch. And I ended it again. I’m actually fine with it. I didn’t think I would be, but I am.”

“He’s an asshole.”

She smirked at that. “Anyone in his profession is. I just wish we could have gotten along better. We had a great run, I suppose.”

“What profession is he in?”

Tory stole a glance at him under her lashes. “Modeling.”

She smiled when he choked back a laugh.

“You don’t sleep either?” Tory asked him as she sipped her coffee.

“Not like I should,” he said composed, but he couldn’t wipe the grin off his face. He pictured Vance posing for a picture with the black eye and fat lip Adam had given him.

“Why not?”

Gabe leaned forward, sobering. He could tell she was uncomfortable carrying on a conversation with him and was touched that she would do it anyway. She might be a wildcat, but she also had a compassionate nature. Copyright 2016 - 2024