Storm (Sinning Cobras MC #1) - Colbie Kay Page 0,45

worrisome feeling settles deep in my gut. “Be careful.”

“Always.” His hand reaches up, palming my cheek. “I’ll be back soon.” His lips mesh with mine for the softest and sweetest of kisses.

Storm and Ace begin walking toward the front door. “Storm!” I yell, and he glances over his shoulder. “I love you.” I couldn’t let him walk out that door without knowing in case I never got the chance. I’m not stupid. I know where they’re going and what they’re planning to do.

He grins. “I love you too, Darlin’.” He winks at me before leaving.

“So, let me hear all about these motorcycle guys.” Mom smiles and stays sitting on the floor in front of both of us. It’s as if she doesn’t want to sit by just one of us. She wants to see both of us as we talk.

Chapel and I glance at each other with the biggest grins. I say, “We have so much to tell you, Mom.”



Ace and I return to the motel where we’re all staying, and we stride into Snake’s room. “Everything go okay?” Snake asks once the door is shut.

“Yeah.” I don’t elaborate. “What’s the plan?”

Snake lays a blueprint on the bed, and all of us gather around it the best we can. “From what Nate told our brothers before they killed him, it’s an old factory that shut down years ago. Miguel bought it and turned it into what it is today. There’s a garage where they park the vans to bring the girls in.” He points to the left of the print. “There are three exits: one in the front, right, and the back of the factory. We’re going to need to have eyes on those exits at all times. We’ll pull our vans up to the garage, and once we’ve taken care of all the men, including Miguel, we start loading girls into the vans, and we get the hell out.”

Hanger takes over, “Chayser, you take the front exit. Nyx, take the right exit. Pope, take back exit. Prospects, keep eyes on the garage. No one goes in or out unless it’s us. Nate said there are usually a couple guards at the gate, but we can’t alert anyone that we’re there. Demon and Boogeyman will handle them. The rest of us will enter the factory and take out anyone inside. Spike, Dodger, Bear, and Writer will go into the basement where the girls are and start releasing them. We leave at sunset.”

That’s still a couple hours from now. I’m uneasy about leaving Haven and Chapel at their mom’s house for that long, but I have no fuckin’ choice. I try to reassure myself that the prospects are there and will keep them safe.

I step outside to light up a smoke, and Ace follows me out. Both of us lean against the brick wall. “You love her, huh?”

My head darts in his direction. “You caught that, huh?”

He keeps staring straight ahead, but his lips tilt up in a smirk. “Yep.” His smirk is gone as fast as it came. “How you feeling about them being over there that long without us?”

“Not good.” I take a long hit off my cigarette. “You?”


“Look at me, Brother.” He turns his head, his gaze meeting mine. “If anything happens to me, you make sure she’s taken care of.”

“I will. You have my word, Brother, but you gotta do the same for me with Chapel.”

“You got it.” I lay my hand on his shoulder. “When you gonna tell Chapel how you feel?”

He laughs. “I gotta make her fucking forgive me first. That woman is still pissed as hell at me. It’s been a year, but I swear to Christ, if we make it out of this in one piece, I’ll make shit right with her. I’ll confess my undying love and all that shit.”

“Chapel may be more laid back than Haven, but they’re both stubborn as hell. Good luck, Brother.” I chuckle, throwing my cigarette on the ground and heading back inside.

The sun has set, and we follow the directions Nate gave us. We park the vans half a mile from the gate. Demon and Boogeyman jump out of the back of the first van, which is driven by Drifter. I’m driving the second one, and Doc’s driving the third. I tap my thumbs against the steering wheel while we wait. Seeing the brake lights on the first van light up, I know it’s time to go.

Drifter busts through the gate and heads for the garage. Copyright 2016 - 2024