Storm - Michelle Mankin Page 0,82

hostess stand, waiting to be seated, my brother and Journey in front. Their hair wet and slicked back, they stood side by side, looking like friends—good-looking ones—who were comfortable together.

My brow creased. When had my brother gotten so handsome? And why hadn’t I noted it before?

It seemed like only yesterday that Cork was just an awkward gangly teenager. But now, he appeared older and more confident, at ease in his own skin.

Behind my brother and Journey, Ash and Diesel had an aura that required acknowledgment as much as the sunset did. They were superstars, local guys who’d made it big. But at the end of the day, they remained who they’d always been, surfers and OB natives through and through.

As the group filed into the bar behind a menu-toting hostess, Shield and Saber were last. Saber glanced my way, and I frowned at my so-called boyfriend.

Like the rest of the group, he was handsome, but his actions weren’t. I’d confessed and told him the truth—a truth I could have kept to myself—and he’d made me feel small. I knew that was mostly because he was jealous. It was awkward for him knowing it was Journey I’d slept with.

But it didn’t really matter anymore. It was over with Saber. What I felt now regarding him was mostly hurt and anger.

Sure, I experienced those emotions because I cared. It was going to take some effort to work out all my feelings for him. We’d been together a long time, but I wasn’t in love with him anymore. I couldn’t be and feel so much for Journey.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice Ash approach until he was right in front of me. A handsome guy with messy mop of sun-streaked light brown hair stood beside him.

“What’s up?” Focusing on Ash, I gave him a big smile. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“Not here to get a drink.” His eyes shimmered with a serious vibe, as did the rest of him. “I’m here to talk to you about your brother.”

“What about him?” I asked, instantly tense.

“Dude is insane on his board,” the other guy said, and I glanced at him. “Pro-level insane.”

I raised my brows. “And you are?”

“Koa Rossman.”

“Oh my gosh! I didn’t recognize you out of the water!” Gushing, I went full fangirl. “My brother loves you. He thinks you’re the best surfer in the league.”

“He’s nearly as good.” Koa gave me a cocky smile that I was certain made the surfer groupies lose their minds, as well as their bikini bottoms.

“High praise.” I shook my head. “Thank you.”

“You should bring him to my next tournament,” he said. “I’ll introduce him to people.”

“I can’t.” Regret clogged my throat.

“Why not?” He tilted his head. “He’s young. He needs to get after it.”

“Koa.” Ash jerked his chin up. “Go find us a table. I need to have a moment with Lotus alone.”

“Sure. Okay.” Koa answered Ash, but he was staring at me. “Nice to meet you, babe.”

“Nice to meet you too,” I said. “And thanks for the compliment and the offer to help my brother.”

“Just speaking truth. And the offer stands, an open invitation.” He swept his gaze over me. “You’re a beauty and sweet. I can see why you have two guys fighting over you.”

What the . . . What two guys?

Surely, he didn’t mean Saber and Journey. My soon-to-be ex wasn’t stepping up to hold on to me, and Journey wasn’t fighting for me. Or was he?

“Lotus,” Ash said, refocusing my attention. “Come talk with me. Take a break. Let’s go outside.”

“I can’t, Ash. I’m working, and I already got reprimanded once tonight. I need this job.”

His brows drew together. “I know you do. But maybe what I need to talk to you about can help with that.”

“I don’t understand.”

Ash opened his mouth to respond, then shut it as Saber’s voice blared out on the bar’s sound system.

“Hey, everyone! We’re OB Hardy.”

I glanced over to see him, Shield, and Journey onstage, along with someone else completely unexpected.


“We have a new song to debut, and two new band members to introduce tonight.”

My mouth dropped open. Two? Does he mean my brother?

“What’s going on?” I whipped my head around to direct my question at Ash. “Why is Cork up there with your Fender strapped to his shoulder?”

“Your brother just got voted into OB Hardy. He’s their new bassist.”

“No.” I shook my head. “Impossible.”

“Not impossible because there he is.” Ash’s blond brows drew together. “I don’t know why I didn’t think to suggest a Copyright 2016 - 2024