Storm - Michelle Mankin Page 0,72

places you’ve been.”

“Not a lot of memories worth remembering. Just my tats and my music to color the dullness and mark the empty time.”

Her jaw dropped.

Yeah, working hard and playing little made for a practically meaningless existence. Idle moments really meant lonely ones. Not surprisingly, I preferred work to play.

“If you’re finished with your gardening this morning, we could surf. I could share a story about a tat or two. And Cork could come,” I added quickly. Technically, we wouldn’t be alone, so she wouldn’t have to refuse.

Lotus glanced away, her teeth sinking into her full lower lip. I tensed, expecting her to turn me down. Saber had probably shortened the leash he already had on her regarding me, but before I could contemplate ways to snap it, she met my eyes again, surprising me.

“Sure. Surfing sounds great. Cork would love it.” She shrugged, and I knew there was more behind her agreement than she was letting on. “But don’t you have to go into the studio today?”

“Not this early.” I pointed upstairs with my chin. “Is Cork already up?”

“Not yet,” she said. “But he was stirring when I slipped out and came down here.”

“How about I go get him and your gear while you finish up here?” I raised one brow. “Sound good?”

“Yeah, it does actually.” Her eyes shone bright. “Here.” She slipped a bracelet key ring from her wrist and handed it to me.

“Great,” I said. “I’m on it.”

I tightened my abs, which caused her cheeks to blush. I wanted to give her something to think about—me—while she gardened. As I jogged up the stairs, my mood was lighter than before.

Lotus might be with Saber, but she wasn’t unaffected by me. I could work with that. I had to. While she remained with him, it was my only play.


MY EYES BURNING, I stared at Journey. He was impossible to ignore.

In the confined space under the stairs, his heat and the alluring fresh ocean-spray scent of him filled me with so much longing, I trembled. Adding in the fact that he was shirtless, and I was in sensual overload. He looked like a sea god on land with all those chiseled muscles and the sun highlighting his colorful ink. I wondered about the stories behind the tattoos, about him, as the gentle breeze sifted through his wavy hair like I wanted to.

As I stood in the entrance to my dressing cave, Journey was seated on a rock beside Cork only a couple of feet away. He listened intently, his thickly lashed eyes squinted, his brow creased. I could hear the murmur of Cork’s voice, but not what he was saying.

While they’d been talking, I’d managed to wiggle into my bright fuchsia bikini, but I’d gotten sidetracked from putting on my wet suit because of the view. Not the beach view, though it was stunning. Gray rocks, blue sea, azure sky—early morning at the cliffs was breathtaking and peaceful, but it wasn’t what captivated me. Watching the man who did captivate me, I managed to get one leg of my wet suit on.

My brother was talking Journey’s ear off, but he didn’t seem to mind. Journey was patient and attentive, just like he’d been on the walk over—after an initial moment of awkwardness where Cork had looked to me for a clue how to respond to us hanging out with Journey again. I’d smiled and said something inane about looking forward to surfing. At that, Cork had relaxed and gone right back to treating Journey like a long-lost friend, the way he did before interrupting our almost-something at the showers.

“Man, I like your brother.”

It was obvious Journey really did. In the short time he’d been here, Journey had already given Cork more attention than Saber ever had. He also respected Cork, and my brother ate up that attention and respect faster than he guzzled his favorite lime-favored mineral water. I didn’t like that my issues had come between them. I was going to have to figure out a way to control the yearning. Journey had moved on, and I needed to as well.

“You need some help?” Journey had sneaked up on me while I’d been lost in my thoughts . . . of him. He stepped toward me, and I backed up into the cave.

“No.” I shook my head. “I’ve got everything under control.” Which was a lie, a big one. I was completely at a loss for control where he was concerned.

“I’m happy to be of assistance.” His voice Copyright 2016 - 2024