Storm (Linear Tactical #10) - Janie Crouch Page 0,41

could have deniability if needed.

“I know there’s something going on because my man couldn’t hear anything with his surveillance equipment. They’re using counter surveillance equipment.”


Noah nodded. “That’s how I felt, too. It’s high-end stuff. Took my man a whole night to figure out that the info he was receiving wasn’t legit. He happened to hear a loop in the recording their equipment was spitting out. Most people wouldn’t have caught it at all.”

Them using this equipment meant they were definitely talking about something they wouldn’t take a chance on someone else overhearing.

Not good.

“What do you think they’re planning?”

Noah rubbed the back of his neck. “Honestly, I think they have something up their sleeves for the trial, then are planning to take Marilyn and the kids somewhere.” He could barely get the words out. There was no way. Absolutely no fucking way. “I’m not going to let that happen, Tanner.”

Tanner nodded. “We’re not going to let that happen. Not you, not me, not Bree, not anyone else at New Journeys or in Risk Peak. Marilyn and those kids are part of our own now. You’re not alone in this. Neither is she.”

He shrugged. “It’s hard for me not to work alone.”

“We’ve got almost four months until the trial. We know the ankle monitor is working, so we focus on figuring out their plan. In this case, the best offense is a good defense.” Tanner pinned him with his eyes. “But we’ve got to let the law handle this. We cannot go after them just because they’re doing suspicious stuff.”

“Roger that.” Noah didn’t like to lie to his brother, but he wasn’t sure there was anything he wouldn’t do to keep Marilyn and the kids safe.

But he was at least willing to wait and see if they could stop Ellis without bloodshed. Let the law handle him.

If not…

Tanner slapped him on the shoulder. “Let’s try to enjoy this camping trip and make it something memorable for Marilyn and the kids. Unless you think there’s actual danger here…”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I feel like something is off, but my neutrality is definitely compromised when it comes to that woman and those kids. Maybe I want Ellis to be here so I have an excuse to take him out and make sure they’re safe for the rest of their lives.”

“As an officer of the law, I’m afraid I’d probably have to let you do exactly that if Ellis showed up here.” Tanner grinned. “I have the emergency radio. If there’s any change in Ellis’s status, the guys at the office will let us know right away.”

Tanner teased him a little more, trying to get him to admit his feelings for Marilyn. His brother had no idea how close he was to the truth. And he would do whatever it took to keep her safe.

He looked out into the darkness again.

Whatever it took.


“Can I join you?”

He’d known Marilyn was coming up behind him long before her soft words met his ears. He turned to her and nodded.

She had two cups in her hands “I come bearing coffee. Tanner told me you were up here. The kids and Barb and Francis are still asleep.”

“It’s one of my favorite spots. Mom and Dad used to watch the sunrise here when we went camping.” The small outpouring of large rocks provided just enough height to be able to see over the distant tree line. “I’ve always loved it.”

“If you want to take some time for yourself, I totally understand.”

“I’d rather you join me.” He slid over on his rock perch, making room for her.

She made it the rest of the way, then handed him one of the collapsible camping coffee cups.

Having Marilyn here made this better. He and Tanner had taken shifts all night staying awake, making sure the camp was protected. None of the hand-made security systems had been disturbed. Whatever danger had his spider-senses tingling hadn’t come near them.

Now he could take a moment to relax. And there was no one else he’d rather relax with.

They watched the sun climb farther up, the purples and reds of the rising sun were just becoming noticeable over the trees. He took a sip of his coffee, eyebrows raising in surprise when he found it mixed just the way he liked it.

She smiled over at him. “I brought a little creamer and sugar from home so you wouldn’t have to drink your coffee black.”

He stared at her, so lovely in the rising sun it almost took his breath away. Copyright 2016 - 2024