Storm (Linear Tactical #10) - Janie Crouch Page 0,35

us on an overnight hike, complete with rafting. The kids were ecstatic. But now, with not knowing when we can move back into the new building and Jared…”

“Don’t you worry, we’ll get them their camping trip. It may not be next week, but it’ll happen.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “I feel like I’m always saying that. But thank you again. For everything.”

His arms wrapped tightly around her. “He’s not going to get to you, gorgeous. Me, Tanner, Bree, all the people who care about you in this town… we’re not going to let it happen.”

She closed her eyes and prayed he was right.


That bastard was not going to touch Marilyn. Not while Noah was alive to stop it.

Noah had kept himself calm and steady in the kitchen with her because that was what she’d needed. He stayed that way all afternoon around the house before he brought her and the kids back to the ranch that evening.

And having her and the kids sleeping in his guest room had kept him at the ranch rather than driving into Denver and permanently solving this problem in a way where nobody would ever find the body.

He was so fucking tempted.

But his brother was a law enforcement officer, and Noah respected Tanner. Respected the badge. Respected his dad’s memory.

He wasn’t going to go kill Jared Ellis or render him a human vegetable.

But he was definitely still going to get his own eyes on Ellis and ascertain the details of the situation for himself.

Noah had already talked to Bree, circumventing Tanner, because Noah had known she would shoot straight with him. He needed to know if Ellis could possibly slip that ankle monitor.

She’d been frank. “I took apart the entire system. Hacked into the company that does the monitor, even looked over the hardware myself. It’s solid. GPS is spot on. Transmitting frequency is perfect. If he’s manipulating the system, Ellis is smarter than me.”

That meant Ellis wasn’t gaming the system. Because no one was smarter than Bree Daniels when it came to computers. Like literally, nobody on the entire planet. Definitely not Jared Ellis, a construction contractor.

So, if the ankle monitor said he was in Denver, then he was in Denver.

Bree had made an app for their phones which provided up-to-date info on exactly where Ellis’s tracking monitor was.

Not exactly legal, since neither he nor Bree were in law enforcement they shouldn’t have the information, but that hadn’t bothered either of them one bit. Not when it came to Marilyn and the kids’ safety. Bree was giving Marilyn the app too, which hopefully would reassure her a little.

It made Noah feel better, but he was still going to Denver tonight to get his eyes on Ellis, just to make sure.

He invited Tanner along in hopes that would keep him from killing the bastard outright. He was waiting at Tanner’s SUV when he came out of the station.

“Got time to hang out in Denver?”

Tanner rolled his eyes. “You know I’ve already been there once today, right?”

Noah pushed off from against the vehicle. “I know Bree said Ellis isn’t hacking his ankle monitor—”

“He’s not.”

“—but I need eyes on him and his crew myself,” Noah continued. “I’m going with or without you.”

Tanner shrugged. “Then I’m going.” Tanner threw his bag into the back seat, then got in the driver’s side.

Noah narrowed his eyes at his brother, a little surprised. He’d expected more resistance and had been prepared to argue his case. Had also been prepared to leave Tanner’s ass here if necessary. Would call that karma finally moving on Marilyn’s behalf if Tanner wasn’t there to babysit Noah and Ellis happened to die.

They were only a few miles out of town when Tanner glanced over at him. “I’m a little surprised you even told me you were going.”

Noah shrugged. “I respect you, little brother. I respect that you chose the same route as Dad and choose to uphold the law. And, even though I don’t spend much time hanging out in the town itself, Risk Peak is my home.”

“None of which actually explains why you invited me on this little adventure.”

Noah stared straight out the windshield. “I needed someone I could trust.”

“Trust to do what?”

“Trust to keep me from killing these bastards if the opportunity presents itself.”

Ellis wasn’t the only problem. The mention of Ellis’s lawyer’s name had caused enough of a reaction in Marilyn today that Noah knew there was history there also, and not the good kind.

Tanner let out a sigh. “You know we have absolutely Copyright 2016 - 2024