Storm (Linear Tactical #10) - Janie Crouch Page 0,32

but I know I have to find somewhere for my people to stay until the living quarters are cleared for habitation. The fire shouldn’t have spread that far, but still.”

He nodded. “I would imagine it’ll need a lot of airing out, at the very least.”

“I’ll probably get everyone over to the old New Journeys building.” But it would still take a lot of coordinating to get everybody together, to make sure they had everything they needed before they headed over there.

He nodded. “You have work to do.”

“But I also have small people who need looking after.”

“I have an idea.” He smiled at Eva then reached down to ruffle Sam’s hair. “If you’d be okay with it, I could take these two and the pup back to the ranch so they can get some sleep while you get everything done.”

“Yay! Can we, for real?” Eva’s eyes got big and she tapped a little hand against Noah’s cheek.

Even Sam was enthused. “We’ll be good, Mom. I’ll keep watch over Eva and Tromsø. He’ll like to see Thing One and Corfu.”

“I know you will.”

She crouched so she was face to face with Sam and lowered her volume. Noah, always aware, immediately turned to show Eva a better view of the firetruck to give them some privacy. “Are you sure you want to do this, buddy? We can find another way so you guys can stay here if you’re uncomfortable going to Noah’s without me.”

She knew to the depths of her soul that Noah would never hurt her children. But it wasn’t just enough for her to believe it, Sam had to believe it, too. She wouldn’t force him to leave if he didn’t want to go.

“I’m okay, Mom. I like Mr. Noah. He’s nice to you. He’s not like Dad.”

Oh, baby. “I like Mr. Noah, too. And you’re right, I don’t think he would ever do anything to hurt me or you.”

“I’ll go. I’ll even help with ranch chores.”

She knew he was looking forward to it. They walked over to Noah and Eva and a couple of minutes later, she was buckling them into Noah’s truck. The kids were taking her phone and she was keeping Noah’s so they could call her any time if they needed to.

Another thing he’d done without her even asking.

He pressed a kiss against her forehead after she shut the door behind her. “They’re your most prized treasures. I don’t take you trusting me with them lightly.”

“Thank you. For watching them. For the phone. For understanding.” For being the most amazing man I’ve ever known.

“We’ll touch base later,” he promised, kissing her forehead again. “And I’ll keep them safe. I promise.”

She believed him.


The rest of the night was exhausting for Marilyn, but she got everyone settled at the old New Journeys house, borrowing mattresses and blow-up beds. She and Cassandra drove them over in multiple trips.

Once the fire was completely out at the new building, the firefighters were nice enough to escort Marilyn inside so she could grab essential items for each of the women, especially for mothers with babies.

It was an exhausting night, but no one was hurt and there was actually very little damage to the living quarters themselves. Bree and Cassandra were hopeful that everyone would be able move back in soon. The fire inspector needed to do an investigation and report first to figure out what happened.

Marilyn was relieved to see the kids when Noah brought them by the next day around lunch time. They hadn’t used the phone to contact her, but she’d still been concerned.

They began chatting her ear off about the thousand things that had happened that morning at the ranch. She looked over their heads at Noah, gave him a wave and mouthed thank you.

He tipped the cowboy hat he was wearing at her and her stomach did a little somersault. He nodded then got back in his truck.

She was still smiling about it the next day, even with everything that was going on. But that stopped when Tanner showed up, tension all over his face.

This wasn’t good.

“Tanner’s here to talk to you, Marilyn,” Bree said, swallowing hard. She offered to leave since Tanner was here in an official capacity, but Marilyn wanted her to stay.

If it was what she thought it was, it was going to affect them all.

They walked into the kitchen, away from everyone else. At least the kids were occupied in the other room with some well-earned TV time.

Bree and Tanner were talking about the fire Copyright 2016 - 2024